210 EXPERIMENTAL STATISTICS WITH COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (6) Principles and procedures of scientific experimentation within the framework of statis tical methodology; designs of research, sampling, probability, descriptive statistics, basic nonparametric statistics, t-test, correlation, regression equations, and data processing. Four hours lecture, three hours laboratory. Either semester. Laboratory fee: $5.00. 301 EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) Application of social and psychological principles to the educative process; role of the teacher and learner; motivation, intelligence, transfer of learning, measurement; influ ence of cultural values and American social structure on schools, school systems; recent outstanding contributions in research and experimentation. Not open to psychology majors. 302 ADOLESCENCE (3) Nature, needs, and problems of adolescence with special reference to the adolescent's search for identity. 304 ADVANCED STATISTICAL METHODS (3) Correlation methods, partial and multiple correlation, simple and factorial analysis of variance and co-variance, linear and multiple regression models. Prerequisite: 210. Offered on sufficient demand. 306 TESTS AND MEASUREMENT (3) Basic measurement concepts, validity, reliability, scaling procedures, measurement theory, basic concepts of intelligence and personality testing. Prerequisite: 210. Labora tory fee: $5.00.
308 ADVANCED DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) Current theory and research on child development. Prerequisite: 210, 310.
309 PSYCHOLOGY OF ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR (3) Discussion of the underlying causes of abnormal behavior, various types of behavior disorders, and modern therapies. Prerequisite: 204. 310 INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY CHILDHOOD AND ADOLESCENCE (3) Emotional, cognitive, social, personality, and other development trends during childhood and adolescence. 401 ANIMAL BEHAVIOR (3) Sensory and neurological equipment and behavioral capacities of animals at various levels with special reference to natural environment. Two hours lecture, three hours laboratory. Spring semester. Alternate years, offered 1971-72. Laboratory fee: $10.00. 402 SYSTEMS IN PSYCHOLOGY (3) Consideration of psychological systems and historical backgrounds; e.g., behaviorism, Gestalt psychology, psychoanalysis, and others; modern trends and basic philosophy of science. 403 THE EXCEPTIONAL CHILD (2) Problems connected with the understanding and training of retarded, gifted, sensory handicapped, neurologically impaired, emotionally disturbed, and culturally disadvan taged children. 405 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) Issues and theories related to interaction between individuals and society; group dynam ics, pressures, conformity, cohesiveness, and leadership; analysis of process involved in attitude formation and change. Prerequisite: 210. Spring semester. 63
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