409 SENSORY PROCESSES-PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY (3) Relationships involved in sensory processes with emphasis on electrophysiological bases. Two hours lecture, three hours laboratory. Prerequisites: 205, 210. Alternate years, offered 1971-72. Laboratory fee: $15.00. 410 PERCEPTUAL PROCESSES (3) Psychophysiological aspects of perception. Two hours lecture, three hours laboratory. Prerequisite: 205. Alternate years , offered 1972-73. Laboratory fee: $10.00. 411 THEORIES OF PERSONALITY (3) A critical comparison of current theories concerning the development and organization of personality, including Allport, Murray, Lewin, social psychological, and psychoana lytic theories. Prerequisite: 204. 414 READINGS IN PSYCHOLOGY (1-3) Provides the student with opportunity for extensive study in a specific topic of his choosing. Prerequisite: Senior standing. Either semester. 115 ADVANCED PSYCHOBIOLOGY (3) Physiological basis of behavior, with emphasis on nervous and endocrine systems as chey apply to learning, motivation, emotions, and memory. Two hours lecture, t hree hours laboratory. Prerequisites: 205, 210; Biology 305. Laboratory fee: $15.00. 416 LEARNING AND MOTIVATION (4) Empirical findings and theoretical developments in the areas of conditioning, skill learning, transfer, retention, drive, need arousal, and the function of rewards. Three hours lecture, three hours laboratory. Prerequisites: 205, 210 . Laboratory fee: $10.00. 418 PSYCHOLOGICAL THERAPY-THEORY AND PRACTICE (3) Nature, development, and practice of various modes of psychological therapy; empha sizing rationalistic, client-centered, group therapies, and behavior modification tech niques. Prerequisite: 309. 470 RESEARCH SEMINAR (2) Research under the guidance of the psychology department. One hour discussion, three hours laboratory. Either semester. Prerequisite: Senior standing.
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