
101 ART APPRECIATION (3) Designed to promote an appreciation of painting, sculpture, and architecture, as well as the graphics, industrial, and decorative arts; comparative study of styles, periods, and artists. Either semester. 103 DRAWING I (2) Basic drawing to study form, perspective, and composition. Fee: $10.00. 104 CRAFTS (2) Introductory studies in various forms of handicrafts, including silk screening, tex­ tiles, stained glass, leather, and weaving. Fee: $10.00. 105 PAINTING I (2) Painting in oil, problems using still life. Prerequisite: 103 or consent of instructor. Either semester. Fee: $10.00 . 107 LETTERING (2) Basic styles of lettering: practice in pen and brush lettering; display signs, and manu­ script projects. 200 DRAWING II (2) Continuation of Drawing I studying still life and model in various media. Prerequisite: 103 or consent of instructor. Fee: $15.00 . 201 DESIGN I (2) Problems involving the basic elements of design. Fee: $10.00. 202 PAINTING II (2) Pictorial problems in various techniques of painting. Prerequisite: Art 103, 105, 201 or consent of instructor. Fee: $10.00. 204 THREE-DIMENSIONAL DESIGN (2) Studio projects investigating the principles of three-dimensional design in various media. Prerequisite: 201. Fee: $10.00. 205 SCULPTURE I (2) Introductory problems in 3-dimensional expression, including carving, modeling, and casting. Prerequisite: 103 or consent of instructor. Fee $10.00. 206 CERAMICS I (2) Basic techniques of clay handling and glazing. Prerequisite: 201 or consent of in­ structor. Fee $10.00. 300 DESIGN II (2) A continuation of Design 201, with problems in color, composition, and rendering. Pre­ requisite: 201 . Fee: $10.00. 301 ART HISTORY I (3) Survey of ancient and medieval art; emphasis on works of architecture, sculture, and painting and their significance in general world culture. 302 ART HISTORY II (3) Historical and cultural consideration of visual art from the Renaissance to the present. Prerequisite: 301. 304 CERAMICS II (2) Advanced studies in techniques of ceramics, including use of kiln. Prerequisite: 206. Fee: $10.00. 305 ELEMENTARY ART WORKSHOP (2) Developing, preparing, and presenting art projects to elementary school pupils. Alter­ nate years, offered 1972-73. Fee: $10.00. 308 JEWELRY (2) Design and manufacture of jewelry; major methods of silversmithing. Prerequisite: 201, 204. Alternate years, offered 1972-73. Fee: $15.00. 309 WATERCOLOR (2) Watercolor of still life and landscape. Prerequisite: 103, 200 or consent of instructor. Alternate years, offered 1971-72. Fee: $10.00. 67

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