
301 COUNTERPOINT (2) Contrapuntal principles and practices of 16th century modal technique and 18th century harmonic technique. Prerequisite: 202.

304 THEORY OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY (2) Twentieth century harmony and counterpoint. Prerequisite: 301.

311 KEYBOARD HARMONY I (1) Review of diatonic and chromatic harmony with emphasis on the figured bass system. Projects in 18th century continuo realizations. Prerequisite: 212. Offered only on a private instructional basis. (1) Harmonization of melodies at the keyboard; modulation; transposition; improvisation. Prerequisite: 311. Offered only on a private instructional basis. 312 KEYBOARD HARMONY 11 313, 314 ORCHESTRATION I & II (2, 2) Range, technique, and transposition of orchestral instruments, exercises in orchestra­ tion. Prerequisite: 202. 403, 404 COMPOSING AND ARRANGING FOR THE EVANGELICAL CHURCH I & II (2, 2) The composing of anthems, cantatas, and oratorios suitable for ensembles of varying proficiency in the evangelical church; composing in the vocal and instrumental per­ formance media. Prerequisite: 304, 313. Offered only on a private instructional basis. 409, 410 FORM AND ANALYSIS I & II (2, 2) Analysis of music: motive, phrase, period; binary, tenary, rondo, and sonata-allegro forms. Prerequisite: 313. 413, 414 COMPOSITION I & II (2, 2) Original work in vocal and instrumental forms, including rondos and sonatas. Prerequisite: 313, 314, 409. Offered only on a private instructional basis. Church Music 116 MUSIC IN WORSHIP (2) Biblical foundation of church music; planning of services; congregational participa­ tion; the ministry of director and organist. Offered on sufficient demand. 215 HYMNOLOGY (2) The great Christian hymns and hymn tunes in historical context; analysis and interpretation of hymns; evaluation of standard hymnals. Offered on sufficient demand. 315 LITURGIES (2) Orders of worship; historical developi:nent of traditional orders of worship in major Christian faiths . Offered on sufficient demand. 316 CHURCH MUSIC ADMINISTRATION (2) Developing the music program of the church; relation of the mi nistry of music to the congregation, music committee, and pastor; graded chair systems; equipment; general organizations; music of the church school. Offered on sufficient demand. 415, 416 CHURCH MUSIC INTERNSHIP (2, 2) Practical experience in conducting church choral groups of various age levels; experi­ ence in church music administration as an assistant under recognized church musicians in the Southern California area. Offered on sufficient demand. 71

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