
419 PIANO LITERATURE (2) Comprehensive historical survey of piano literature to acquaint student with the broad scope of solo and concerto repertoire; emphasis on stylistic characteristics relative to problems of interpretation and technique. Open to junior or senior piano majors or consent of instructor. Alternate years, offered 1972-73. 420 ORGAN LITERATURE (2) An historical survey of organ literature with emphasis on problems of technique, registration, and interpretation. Alternate years, offered 1971-72. 421 MUSIC LITERATURE FOR CHILDREN (2) Rote songs, rhythms, reading songs, creative activities, and other music literature suitable for children's voices and interests from kindergarten through the sixth grade.

Applied Music

100 APPLIED MUSIC-Freshman Level (1-2) Private instruction is offered to music and non-music majors in the following; Piano I, II , Ill , IV, V, organ, harpsicord, voice., brass instruments , string instruments, wood­ wind instruments, conducting, composition , accordion'", and hymn playing '''. 161, 162 DICTION (1 , 1) Principles of pronunciation and enunciation of English, Italian, ecclesiastical Latin, French, German, and Spanish texts; use of the International Phonetic Alphabet. '' 181 ORGAN CLASS (1) For the student with no previous organ training. Basic keyboard and pedal technique; pipe organ construction; repertory. Prerequisite: ability to play hymns on the piano. Limited to 3-8 students. *193, 194 VOICE CLASS I & II (1, 1) For the student with no previou s voice training who desires to study applied music. Limited to 6-10 students.

'.lOO APPLIED MUSIC-Sophomore Level (1-2) See description Music 100. Prerequisite: Music 100.

300 APPLIED MUSIC-Junior Level (1-2) See description Music 100. Prerequisite: Music 200 .

321 STRING WORKSHOP (1) Elementary instruction in violin , viola, cello, and bass; tone production, bowing, tech­ nique, and care of instruments. 322 WOODWIND WORKSHOP (1) Elementary instruction in clarinet, flute, oboe, bassoon, and saxophone; correct tone production, technique, and care of instruments. 323 BRASS WORKSHOP (1) Elementary instruction in trumpet, alto horn, French horn, trombone , baritone horn, and tuba; correct tone production, technique, and care of instruments.

"'Not a llowed for rn·dit toward the app lied music l' equirement o f t he' Music Majo rs .


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