The Division of Humanities, in addi tion to majors in Communications, English, and Spanish, offers two divi sional majors: The Humanities major and the Humanities major in Lan guage Arts. Humanities Major: 30 units, of which 24 must be upper division; an 18-unit concentration in Literature or Philoso phy, of which 12 must be upper divi sion, or a concentration of 12 upper division units in foreign language (French, German, Greek, or Spanish); and 6 upper division units in each of two remaining fields (French, Ger man, Greek, Spanish, Literature, Phi losophy, or Communications). Selec tion of the Literature concentration must be made from the Literature listing, including English 201 and 202. The Philosophy concentration must include Philosophy 301 and any two of the following courses: 302, 303, or 404. Humanities Major in Language Arts: 30 units, of which 24 must be upper division; an 18-unit concentration in one field (Communications or Eng lish ), of which 12 must be upper division; 6 upper division units in the remaining field; and two of the fol lowing courses: English 315, 316, or 342. English concentration must in clude at least one course in writing and two courses in literature. COMMUNICATIONS C. DIANE SHANEBECK, Chairman Objectives: The Communications ma jor is a flexible program designed to meet the needs of the individual stu dent by providing (1) courses to ac quaint the student with the essential theories and proficiency necessary for graduate work, ( 2) the scope of
PROFESSORS : Bass, Chase, McGahey, Serrano, Sturz
ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS: Arthur (chairman), Bicker, R. Buss, Doland, Hanson, W. Shanebeck, Wetzler, Wilmot
ASSISTANT PROFESSORS: Gilman, McDougall, D. Shanebeck
INSTRUCTOR: Montgomery
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