428 CLINICAL PRACTICE (1-3) Experience in conducting therapy sessions with speech handicapped individuals under supervision. Prerequisite: 315, 321, and consent of instructor. 447 DIRECTED READING: RHETORICAL THEORY (1-3) Trends in Rhetorical Theory-an attempt to construct a rhetorical theory on read ings from classical and contemporary theorists.
Objectives: The Department of English has five objectives: the understanding of language as a means of communication; the ability to speak and write with clarity of thought and mechanical correctness; an understanding of literature as a record of the development of human thought and the reflection of human history; the appreciation and enjoyment of good literature; and an acquaint ance with the literary heritage of the English-speaking world.
History 207 or 208 is recommended for all English majors.
Department Major: 30 units, of which 24 must be upper division. English 201 and 202 are required for the major and are prerequisite to upper division courses in the major. The student must also complete English 315 and 415 and select 3 units from each of the following four groups: (1) 304, 307, 410; (2) 312, 317, 413; (3) 320, 322, 407; (4) 309, 310, 408; and 6 units from (5) 203, 204, 316, 324, 332, 335, 342, 401, 403, 406, 416, but not more than one writing course. The remaining 3 units may b~ selected from any of the above groups except that the student must not select both 312 and 413.
Department Minor:
20 units, of which 12 must be upper division. The student
must select units from three or more of the above-mentioned groups.
101, 102 CRITICISM AND COMPOSITION (3, 3) Reading improvement and training in composition stressing logic, argument, and evaluation, with the application of the fundamentals of writing to long compositions, including the research paper. 101 not a prerequisite for 102. A student who receives - an 'A' for his first semester does not take a second semester. Both courses offered each semester. 105, 106 ENGLISH FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS (3, 3) Practice in reading improvement, vocabulary building, and written composition includ ing long papers; drill in sentence patterns and intonation of American English; study of logic, argumentation, and evaluation. Four hours of lecture and laboratory practice per week. Satisfies the general education requirement of freshman English. 105 not pre requisite for 106. 200 MASTERPIECES (3) Concentrated study of selected masterpieces of world literature, including American, British, Continental, and Asian literature. Not suggested for English majors. Pre requisite: completion of Criticism and Composition. 201, 202 ENGLISH LITERATURE (3, 3) A survey of poetry and prose from Beowulf to the present, including some of the masterpieces. Prerequisite: completion of Criticism and Composition. 79
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