

In 1906 "The Fisherman's Club," which combined Bible study and soul winning, was organized for the young men of the Immanuel Pres­ byterian Church by Rev. T. C. Horton, assistant pastor. The following year, Mr. D. H. Steele, an elder of the same church and manager of a department store, requested Mrs. Horton to open a Bible class for the young women employed in his store, offering a large room for the purpose. The group was named "The Lyceum Club" and grew to include other young women besides the employees of the one store. These two groups of young people presented the challenge of further study and training. The Bible Institute idea was not entirely new; as early as 1901 Mr. Lyman Stewart, a Christian layman with a zeal for the Lord's service and an almost prophetic eye to the future, had planned for such a school in Los Angeles. Now, in response to an immediate need, Mr. Stewart and Mr. Horton became co-founders of the Bible Im.titute of Los Angeles. In the fall of 1907, through the cooperation of Rev. A. B. Pritchard, pastor of Central Presbyterian Church, some classes, which were the fore­ runner of the Bible Institute, were held in the lecture room of that church. On February 25, 1908, a meeting was called to effect a permanent organization. At this meeting the following persons were elected as officers: Lyman Stewart, President; A. B. Pritchard, Vice-President; T. C. Horton, Superintendent; R. A. Hadden, Associate Superintendent; B. C. Atterbury, Secretary; and Leon V. Shaw, Treasurer. Messrs. Horton, Hadden, and Pritchard formed the faculty. There was rapid development of the school. From the beginning its outreach was evangelistic. Shop meetings were taken over and conducted. Bible Women's work was organized, a work among Jews was commenced, as was also Spanish Mission work and work among the men of the oil fields. Extension classes were organized in the city and in surrounding towns. Within three years the school had well outgrown the experimental stage, and a forward educational step was taken with the calling of Dr. Reuben A. Torrey to be Dean. On January 1, 1912, Dr. Torrey began his twelve-year period of service in this office. In order to meet the enlarging needs and to provide a suitable and permanent home for the school, a new site was purchased at Sixth and Hope Streets and a new building erected, ground for which was broken on June 22, 1912. This building, dedicated the following year, reflected the builders' hopes and faith for future growth. Legally known as The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated, this institution academically has taken four distinct forward steps in the field of Christian education. In 1936 the Institute applied for and received State authorization for the conferring of certain degrees. Three four-year courses were then 11

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