
ATTENDANCE Attendance in all classes shall be required for at least 80 per cent of the semester's class sessions. This means that for a three unit class nine absences are allowed and for a two unit class six absences are allowed. Regardless of the reason for absence (be it medical, business, etc.), ten absences from any three unit class or seven absences from any two unit

class will result in an automatic F. Three tardies equal one absence.

Double absences will be recorded for absences during the week prior to final exams of any semester, the day before and after a regularly scheduled holiday such as Thanksgiving recess, Christmas recess, Easter recess, and also on any school work day. Daily chapel attendance is re­ quired.


A Distinguished work, which is reserved for outstanding attainment ..................................................... .. ... ................

4 3


Good work done in a sustained manner .......

C Average work done in a sustained manner.... ...... ................. 2 D Passing ........... ...... .... .......................... ........................................... 1 F Failing work. Subject must be repeated in class ... ... .... ....... . 0 Fa Failure due to excessive unexcused absences ................. .. .... . 0 Dr Dropped from class, passing Drf Dropped from class, failing ............ .. 0 W Withdrew from school, passing Wf Withdrew from school, failing ............ ........ .. . ........ ........... . 0 I Incomplete A semester grade in any subject is based on the student's grasp of subject matter as evidenced by his daily class work and his examinations. To graduate, a student must have at least twice as many grade points as units in the total credit value of all courses undertaken by him, and a 2.5 average in the major field. Report cards showing grades will be issued to students from the Registrar's Office. ACADEMIC LOAD A full-time student may register for twelve to sixteen hours of classroom work per semester. After the first semester a student with a grade point average of B may petition the Registrar to take eighteen units whereas one with an A average may petition to carry twenty. In no case will a student be permitted to carry more than twenty hours. A student on scholastic probation may not carry more than fourteen hours for credit and may be limited to less depending upon his grade point average. 21

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