
THE DORMITORIES Rooms are equipped with individual study desks, single beds, individual wardrobe closets and chests of drawers . Each floor has baths, shower rooms, and laundry rooms equipped with metered washing machines and driers. While a few single rooms are available in the women's dormitory, most are for two students. Students are expected to supply their blankets, and bedspreads. Students take care of their own rooms . Students supply their own electric irons; however, these may not be used in students' rooms. The use of electric heaters and hot plates is not permitted in students' rooms. Each dormitory unit is in charge of a qualified house mother. The administration reserves the right to inspect student rooms at any time. STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES Biola College offers a limited student health service for registered studen ts. This service is under the direction of a medica l doctor and a public heal th nurse. The office hours are during the regular school days: Monday through Friday 7:00 a .m . to 4 :00 p.m. These services are limited to consul­ tation and insurance referrals for medical care and hospitalization as well as the first aid emergencies and simple nursing care that can be given in an out-patient clinic. There is a registration medical fee to cover this service. Biola does not assume any responsibility for serious illness or accident on or off campus, in or out of school games or activities. The use of all school facilities is at your personal risk. Biola offers protection to the student against certain expenses caused by accident injury or emergency illness in the form of a required plan of medical insurance. The cost of this insurance is to be covered by the student. The estimated cost of this insurance is $6.00 per semester and this 1s subject to change from time to time by the insurance company. When a student registers he must indicate whether or not he is insured by his parents if he is a minor, or by himself if he is over 21 years of age. If a student is not insured, then the insurance program offered by the school is required. PRACTICAL CHRISTIAN SERVICE DEPARTMENT At the beginning of each semester, a full-time Director of the Christian Service Department interviews each student to ascertain the best practical outlet for, and application of, the truth taught in the classes. While at Biola, in order to prepare him better for work in the various areas of service in the church and community, a student is expected to have practical experience in many Christian activities: Sunday school, jail work, detention homes, hospitals, street meetings, churches, and other avenues of service. At present students serve in approximately 300 churches in Southern California. Each student is expected to devote a minimum of three hours a week in his assigned Christian service and receives one unit of non-academic credit each semester. 29

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