
301. ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION. (2) A functional study of the total educational program of the local church. 302. DAILY VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL AND HANDCRAFT. (2) The plan, purpose, and organization of the D.V.B.S. program, planning around a central theme. Collection of practical material and instruction in correlated hand­ work. 303. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION OF CHILDREN. (3) Practical application and evaluation of the organization and administration, cur­ ricula, program planning, methods and techniques employed by the church and other agencies with the objective of reaching children for Christ. 305. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION OF ADULTS. (3) Techniques in general program planning, organization, and administration of the adult church program, accenting the i?stablishment and function of the Christian home. 307. BIBLE STUDY METHODS. (2) The study and use of various methods of Bible study to enable the student to find Bible truth for himself. 310. CURRICULUM IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION. (2) Review of basic principles of curriculum construction and use of representative literature in the Christian education field. Includes evaluation and construction of materials for various age groups according to individual needs. 401. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION OF YOUTH. (3) Special consideration of Christian education in its application to the adolescent. Emphasis upon aids in Bible study and teaching, evangelism, worship, recreation, and stewardship. 402. CAMP LEADERSHIP. (2) Techniques of camp leadership, programming, and counseling. Required attend­ ance at week-end training conference. 403. SEMINAR: OBSERVATION AND RESEARCH. (2) Field trips to various Christian agencies and study projects related to problems in the Christian education field. 404. DIRECTED FIELD WORK. (2) An advanced course in the Christian education field giving practical experience in the areas of the student's vocational interest with faculty counseling and super­ vision. 405. WORKSHOP IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL. (2) Classroom preparation with practical training in approved summer Bible schools: seaside, rural, city, etc. 406. WORKSHOP IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: CAMP. (2) Classroom preparation with practical training in approved summer camps for various ages in a variety of settings. 407. PHILOSOPHY OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION. (2) A study of various philosophies of religious and Christian education in relation to the teaching of the Bible designed to help the student form his own philosophy of Christian education. Prerequisite: Philosophy 202. 411. PSYCHOLOGY OF COUNSELING. Study and evaluation of the counselor and the counseling process. Counseling as it relates to conversion, subsequent growth, leadership counseling, and the edu- 35

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