
303. ELEMENTARY STATISTICS. (3) Introduction to the use of statistical methods and the interpretation of quantita tive research. 305-306. PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING. (3-3) ( 1) Theory and .practice in individual mental testing with special emphasis on the Binet and the Bellevue-Wechsler. (2) Personality and projection tests. 307. EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY. (3) Principles and procedures of experimentation; analysis in sensation, perception, motivation, learning, and reasoning. Prerequisite: Psychology 305 308. CHILD PSYCHOLOGY. (3) The development of the child from infancy to adolescence. 309. ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY. (3) Discussion of the underlying causes of abnormal behavior, various types of be­ havior disorders, and modem therapies employed. 4-01. COMPARATIVE PSYCHOLOGY. (3) A course designed to acquaint the student with the sensory and neurological equipment and behavioral capacities of animals at various levels. Not offered 1959-1960. 402. SYSTEMATIC PSYCHOLOGY. (3) Consideration of psychological systems and present trends: e.g., Behaviorism, Gestalt psychology, psychoanalysis, and others. Some consideration of the historical backgrounds of modem psychology. 403. THE EXCEPTIONAL CHILD. (2) Problems connected with the understanding and training of the exceptional child. -405. SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY. (3) A study of the individual as a social entity and as a member of a group. Some attention given to the various theories explanatory of group behavior and of social control. 4-08. MENTAL HYGIENE. (3) An introduction to the field of mental hygiene as it relates to the basis for mental health; a discussion of deviations. The prevention of such abnonnalities, with special reference to the needs of children and adolescents. 410. CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY. (3) A survey of the viewpoints, aims, and methodologies involved in clinical practice. Prerequisites: Abnormal Psychology and Mental Hygiene 411. THEORIES OF PERSONALITY. (3) A critical comparison of current theories about the development and organization of personality. Allport, Murry, Lewin, Social Psychological Theories, Psychoanalytic Theories. 415. PHYSIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY. (3) Survey course to introduce student to physiological basis of behavior with em­ phasis on nervous system. 420. RESEARCH PROBLEMS. (2) Group discussion based on problems of individual and group research. 46

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