
427. TEACHING CLASS VOICE. (2) T eaching methods and practice in teaching. Evaluation of vocal methods. Obser­ vation in voice classes. 430. MUSIC TEACHING PROBLEMS. (4) Analysis and discussion of music problems developing during student teaching. Corequisite: Ed 4-03 APPLIED MUSIC Private instruction is offered in the following : organ, piano, voice, brass instru­ ments, string instruments, woodwind instruments, accordion and hymn playing. *191 PIANO CLASS I Six to ten students. For the student with little or no previous training who desires to study applied music. *192 P IANO CLASS II Continuation of 191. *193 VOICE CLASS I Same description as 191. *194 VOICE CLASS II Continuation of 193. *Not allowed for credit toward the applied music requirement of the Music Majors. MUSIC ENSEMBLES• Biola Chorale. (3 hours weekly, 1 credit per semester. ) Performance of choral works representing various styles and periods. Two-week tour during Spring semester. Open to all students by audition. Brass Ensemble. (2 hours weekly, 1 credit per semester) Performance of the finest in brass repertoire. Joins with the Chorale in presenting choral and brass compositions in concert. Open to all students by audition. Oratorio Chorus. (2 hours weekly, 1 credit per semester) Performance of two major oratorios with orchestra each year. Open to all students without audition. String and Woodwind Ensemble. (2 hours weekly, 1 credit per semester. ) Per• formance of Chamber music for strings and woodwinds. Open to all students by audition. Womens Glee Club. (2 hours weekly, 1 credit per semester) Performance of the finest choral repertoire for women's voices from various periods. •As part of each semester's ensemble requirement all music majors will be expected to attend a designated number of professional and church concerts both on-campus and off-campus. Membership in an ensemble is r equired of all music majors during their entire course of study with the exception of the two final semesters in the Music Education major.

ADDITIONAL MUSIC COURSES (Not allowed for credit in the Music Major)

171. SONG LEADING. (2) A simple course in conducting especially designed to prepare the student to direct congregational singing through actual practice and analysis of each student's per­ formance. 270. MUSIC APPRECIATION. (2) A non-technical course designed for non-music majors to develop a more sympa- 52

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