
FOREIGN LANGUAGE Obiectives. The objectives of this Department are to increase linguistic aptitude, to provide a basis for future graduate work, to meet the needs of the mission field, and to give an insight into cultural and literary values of other nations. Department Minor: 18 units, of which 12 must be upper division. FRENCH 201, 202. ELEMENTARY FRENCH. (3, 3) Basic principles of pronunciation and grammar, vocabulary drill, graded reading. From the beginning, classroom conversation in French. 301, 302. INTERMEDIATE FRENCH. (3, 3) Advanced grammar and conversation, with stress placed upon reading for meaning and speed. GERMAN 201, 202. ELEMENTARY GERMAN. (3, 3) Essentials of grammar, basic vocabulary, reading, comprehension, elementary composition, and conversational method from the beginning. 301, 302. INTERMEDIATE GERMAN. (3, 3) Grammar review. Advanced reading in German classical literature with con­ versation. Collateral reading and reports.


An introduction to the grammar, syntax, and vocabulary of New Testament Grek with practice in reading simple passages from the Greek New Testament. 301, 302. INTERMEDIATE GREEK GRAMMAR. (3, 3) Review and advance in grammar, syntax, and vocabulary with extensive reading in the New Testament. Prerequisite: Koine or classical Greek grammar. 303, 304. HELLENISTIC GREEK. (3, 3) Reailings from the Septuagint, together with selections from Jewish and pagan writers of the Koine period. Prerequisite: two years of Greek. 401, 402. PATRISTIC GREEK. (3, 3) Historical background and selected readings from the Greek church fathers. Prerequisite: two years of Greek. 403, 404. CLASSICAL GREEK. (1-3, 1-3) Selected readings in Homer, Greek drama, philosophy, lyric poetl:y, history, Attic orators. Prerequisite: Two years of Greek. SPANISH 201, 202. ELEMENTARY SPANISH. (4-4) A course designed to give the student a background in the fundamentals of pronunciation, grammar, conversation and graded reading. 56

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