interpretation and voice development. Production of a three-act play presented two consecutive nights. 301. PERSUASIVE SPEAKING. (3) Study of the various theories of persuasion; analysis of some contemporary appli cations of persuasive theory. Practice in the construction and delivery of speeches. 321, 322. CORRECTIVE SPEECH METHODS. (3-3) Analysis of speech and voice disorders; principles and methods of correction. PHONETICS. (Linguistics 331) 344. ARGUMENTATION AND DEBATE. (3) An introduction to argumentation. Emphasis on development and use of per suasive argument. Opportunity is given for student participation in different types of debate. 361. ADVANCED DRAMATIC INTERPRETATION. (3) Continuation of Speech 261 with special attention on the actor's resources: voice, movement, emotion, expression, and tempo. Stress on stage business and characteriza tion. 401. FORMS OF PUBLIC ADDRESS. (3) Analysis of the legislative, legal, ceremonial, campaign, and sermonic forms of public address; consideration of outstanding speeches that illustrate these forms; some practice in speech composition and delivery. 403, 404. HISTORY OF RHETORIC AND PUBLIC ADDRESS. (3-3) Survey of the leading trends in rhetorical theory and practice; analysis of selected treatises and orations. 405. DISCUSSION AND PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE. (3) Study of the process of problem-solving discussion groups. Special attention is given to group leadership as well as interpersonal relationships within groups. The principles and practice of parliamentary procedure will also be stressed.
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