
MATHEM:ATICS Obiective. The purpose of this department is to provide a background in mathe­ matics which is needed for further work in education, psychology, and science. Mathematics A. Required of students who fail to pass the Mathematics Placement Test. Non­ credit course, which meets two days a week. 101. BASIC MATHEM:ATICS. (3) Advanced arithmetical problems and introduction to the basic concepts of algebra and geometry. Designed for students with insufficient background in high school algebra and geometry. 103. COLLEGE ALGEBRA. (3) Review of fundamental principles; linear and quadratic equations; logarithms;

binomial theory; determinants. 104. TRIGONOMETRY. (3) Trigonometric functions and equations; solution of angles.

105. DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. (3) Differentation and integration of algebraic functions with applications to geometTv and physics. 106. INTEGRAL CALCULUS. (3) Multiple integration. Prerequisite: Math. 105 201. THEORY OF EQUATIONS. (3) Elementary theory of algebraic equations; elimination; determinants. Prerequisite: Math. 106


101, 102. PHYSICAL SCIENCE. (2-2) A study of the basic prinicples of the physical sciences: physics, chemistry, geology, and astronomy, to provide a knowledge of how the physical sciences con­ tribute to an understanding of the physical environment. 103. CHEMISTRY SURVEY. (4) Designed primarily for the non-science major and presenting the principles, appli­ cations, and methods of chemistry. May be taken for credit in physical science. Lectures, 3 hours; laboratory and demonstration, 3 hours. 104. PHYSICS SURVEY. (4) A survey of the basic principles of classical and modern physics. Designed primarily for the non-science major; may be taken for credit in physical science. Lectures, 3 hours; laboratory and demonstration, 3 hours. Prerequisites: High school algebra and geometry. 105, 106. GENERAL CHEMISTRY. (5-5) A study of most of the important theories and principles of chemistry and some of the more important elements and compounds. The laboratory work mostly quan­ titative in nature. Lectures, 3 hours ; laboratory, 6 hours. Prerequisite: High school chemistry, Science 103, or permission of the instructor. 6-1

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