4-09. HISTORY OF THE NEAR EAST. (Z) An integrated study of the fundamental social, economic, and political changes in the Near East. Emphasis on Post World War II developments. 410. IIlSTORY OF MODERN RUSSIA. (3) A social and political history of modern Russia, with an analysis of Tsardorn, the Revolutionary movement, and the establishment and development of the Soviet regime. 411. HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR. (3) A study of the causes, conduct, and interpretations of the Civil War; with special emphasis on military and political problems. 412. UNITED STATES IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. (3) A study of the political, economic, intellectual, and cultural aspects of American democracy in the Twentieth century. Emphasis on the impact of two World Wars upon the American way of life. 413. DIPLOMATIC HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. (3) A survey of American diplomatic history from the standpoint of the concepts of neutrality, isolation, expansion, manifest destiny, and the Monroe Doctrine. 414. SEMINAR ON CURRENT ECONOMIC, POLITICAL, AND SOCIAL PROBLEMS. (3) Methods and techniques of research and formal writing. Emphasis on current problems. POLITICAL SCIENCE 301, 302. HISTORY OF AMERICAN GOVERNMENT. (3-3) A study of the oragnization and function of the legislative, judicial, and execu tive branches of the national government, national defense, finance, conservation of resources, business, labor, agriculture, foreign relations, and other subjects of na tional interest, etc. Satisfies the state requirement in institutions in American History. 305. COMPARATIVE GOVERNMENTS. (3) A comparative study of the governmental system of the leading countries of Europe and Asia. Major emphasis placed on such representative types of govern ments as England, Russia, France, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Brazil, and China. 307. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. (3) A survey of the national-state system, forces affecting international relations, sources of conflict in world politics, and their solution by power politics and inter national cooperation. 401. THE CONDUCT OF AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY. (3) An analysis of the nature, content, motivations, objectives, principles, practices, and institutional framework of American foreign policy.
ZOZ. SOCIOLOGY. (3) An introduction to the study of social groups, their interactions and their effects on the individual. Consideration of family, culture, race relations, and population problems. 303. SOCIAL TRENDS AND PROBLEMS. (3) The study of concepts of social change, lag, trends, and disorganization; population growth; minority ; rural-urban relationships; communication problems; public health; social stratification and war. 65
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