


To the extent that scholarship bequests and other funds permit, Biola College gives financial encouragement to promising and worthy students. Two principal aims are the basis for all awards : (.1) to encourage scholarly endeavor by gifted students, and (2) to aid worthy students who are depen­ dent chiefly upon their own e fforts to secure a college education or could not attend college without such assistance. All awards are made for a period of one semester, but may be renewed on the basis of satisfactory work. It should be clearly understood that a stu­ dent's failure to maintain satisfactory scholastic standing during any semes­ ter will be sufficient cause for the discontinuance of his award. Biola College is in agreement with the following recommendation of the Association of College Admissions Counselors: "We solicit the co-operation of parents and secondary school officers in discouraging persons who do not need financial aid from competing with needy sh1dents for the use of college scholarship funds. To be elected an honor scholar is a rightful ambition of any student irrespective of financia l status, but to expect financial consideration when such is not needed is to re­ quest a college to take from some needy student. his opportunity to attend college." Biola College is in agreement with this policy with respect to all forms of financial assistance. If a sh1dent can attend college without aid from the col­ lege, he should ne ithe r requ es t nor accept such aid and thereby prevent some needy student from receiving help who otherwise could not attend. Application for all scholarships should be made to the Dean of Students . Blanks for thi s purpose will be furnished upon request by the Office of the Dean of Students. Scholarships are awarded to students of high scholastic achievement. Other criteria such as character, personality, leadership qualities, need, marked success in general high school or college activities, special service re nde red on behalf of the school, and evidence of ability to pursue advanced shtdies successfully after graduation are also given careful consideration. The types of scholarships offered are as follows: academic, missionary, music, speech and service. As a general rul e, scholarships are awarded only to students who expect to graduate from Biola College . In the event that a scholarship recipient wishes to transfer to another college, the award will be considered as a loan and must be repaid before a transcript of th e sh1dent' s record can be issued. Exceptions to this rule may be made in cases where it has been recommended by the faculty that the student transfer to a college or university which can better serve the requirements of his major field.


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