

church re lated educa tional movements with special study of presen t trends. Designed to aid student to form a Biblical philosophy of Chris­ tian education. 303. TECHNIQUES AND MATERIALS. (3) Instruction in and preparation of lessons for classroom presentation. Classroom theory and demonstration of teaching skills , me thods of instruction for variou s age leve ls and investigation into curriculum and other resources. Study of evangelism in the teaching expe ri ence . 304. DAILY VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL AND HANDCRAFT. (2) The plan, purpose, and organization of the D.V.B.S. program, planning around a cen tral theme. Collection of practical material and instruction in corre lated handwork. 310. CURRICULUM IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION. (2) Review of basic principles of curriculum construction and use of repre­ sentati ve literature in the Christian educa ti on field. Inc ludes evalua­ tion and construc tion of materials for various age groups according to individual needs. 401. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION OF YOUTH. (2) Special cons ide ration of Chri st ian edu cation in its application to th e ado lescent. Emphasis upon aids in Bibl e study and teaching, evange­ lism , worship , rec reati on, stewardship, and counseling youth. 402. CAMP LEADERSHIP. (2) Techniques of camp leadership , programming, and counse ling. Re­ quired attendance at week- end training confe rence. 403. SEMINAR: OBSERVATION AND RESEARCH. (1) Fi e ld trips to va rious Christian agencies and study projects related to problems in the Christian education field. 404. DIRECTED FIELD WORK. (1) An advanced course in th e Christian education fi e ld giving practical experience in th e areas of th e stud ent's vocational inte res t with faculty counse ling and supervision. 405. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION OF CHILDREN. (2) Practical app li cation and evaluation of th e organi zation and adminis­ tration , cu rricula, program planning, methods and tec hnir1u es em­ ployed by th e churc h and other agencies with the objective of reaching children for Christ. 406. WORKSHOP IN CHRISTIA EDUCATIO : VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL. (2) Classroom preparation with practical training in approved summer Bibl e schools: seaside, rural, city, e tc. 407 . CHRISTIAN EDUCATION OF ADULTS. (2) Tec hniqu es in general program planning, organ izat ion , and adminis­ tration of th e adult church progrnm, accen tin g th e es tablishme nt and function of th e Christi an home.


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