


The history of missions from Apostolic times special attention given to th e study of mission fiel and sign ificant missionary biographie s.

to the pre ds, mission societies, sent with


The history of the Jews , the ir festivals and custo beliefs; e ffec tive methods of evange lization.

ms, their fundamental

312. ASIATIC CULTURE. (2) An integrated study of th e physical, social , political and econom ic problems in the light of missionary work. 401,402. MISSIONARY SEMINAR. (3,3) A practical course co rre lating and integrating the various offerings in the d epartment. Special inves tigation of present missionary oppor­ tunities, using the lates t films and missionaries from various parts of the world. 404. PHILOSOPHY OF MISSIONS. (3) A study of th e impact of Christianity on non-Christian religions; the problem of natural theology, syncretism, and nationalism in the light of present world conditions; plu s a discussion of th e inadequacy of non-Christian religions. 405,406. COMPARATIVE RELIGIONS . (2 ,2) (1 ) A study of the great ethnic re ligions of th e world, their philoso­ phies, doctrines, and practices. (2) A study of modern re ligious movements from source materials p.resenting th e actual teaching of the founders and leaders with em­ phasis upon corresponding teaching of the Bible.


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