

302. PRINCIPLES AND CURRICULUM OF SECONDARY EDUCA­ TION. (2) The development, scope, and function of Public Education as it re­ lates to the secondary school. Consideration of rural and urban schools, curriculum, vocational education and special education programs. Attention will be given to the teacher as a professional person. 303. CHILD AND ADOLESCENT GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT. (4) The physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual growth and de­ velopment of the individual during childhood and adolescence. Tech­ niques of studying these ages applied. Special consideration given to, the social forces affecting behavior and to the mental hygiene and per­ sonality development of th e individual. Prerequisite: Psych . 205. 305,306. OBSERVATION AND PARTICIPATION. (1,1) Directed observation in the public schools, introduction to adminis­ trative personnel, survey of school services, six grade-level (kinder­ garten through e ighth)· participative teaching contacts during the two semesters, with evaluations by district and college personnel. Pre­ requisite: Ed. 301,303, and Psych. 301. 307. GENERAL LANGUAGE AND READING METHODS. (3) Methods and instructional materials for the development of compe­ tencies in the four facets of Language Arts; Listening, Speaking, Read­ ing, and Writing. Consideration given to developmental programs hav­ ing a functional integration of the language arts with the entire cur­ riculum, methods of appraising growth, corrective techniques, and current issues and trends. Prerequisites: Ed. 301,303, Psych. 301. 309. TEACHING OF ARITHMETIC. (2) Study of arithmetic from th e point of view of meaning, uses and history. Curriculum and methods of elementary school arithmetic. Introduction to the newer approaches to arithmetic. Prerequisites: Ed. 301,303, and Psych. 301. 312. SOCIAL STUDIES AND SCIENCE METHODS. (3) Emphasis given to the materials and procedures used in modern Elementary School Social Studies and Scie nce programs. Unit con­ struction. Consideration of curriculum trends and the function of So­ cial Studies and Sc ience in an integrated program. Prerequisites: Ed. 301,303, and Psych. 301. 314. AUDIO-VISUAL. (2) The scope and function of Audio-Visual Aids in teaching, with special emphasis on methods of using audio-visual materials and equipment to improve instruction. Sources of materials and operation of machines.


A course which combines Ed. 301 , 305-306, 307, 309, 312 and 314 into two 5-unit blocks. Five hours of classwork and one morning of obser­ vation are required each week . Prerequisites: Ed. 303 and Psych. 301.


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