

326. JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL METHODS. (2) Devoted to the problems of teaching in the junior high school. The characteristics of the junior high school student, the philosophy and curriculum of the junior high school, and methods suitable to this age level will be studied and discussed. Prerequisites: Ed. 303 and Psych. 301. 403. STUDENT TEACHING I. (4) Laboratory experiences in a public school classroom under the direc­ tion of a qualified supervising teacher. A seminar of one hour per week included in the course requirements. Prerequisite: Completion of all other departmental requirements.

STUDENT TEACHING II. (4) Laboratory experience similar to Ed. 403 at a diffe rent grade level. Ed. 403 and 404 are completed during the same semester.



A study of the role of the teacher in guidance; techniques of counsel­ ing; a consideration of the total guidance program of the e lementary school. Pre requisites: Ed. 301,303, Psych. 301. 450. HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION. (3) An introductory survey of the historical and philosophical foundations of education in terms of the great problems which have been encoun­ tered in the past and continue to requ ire solution at the present time.

Education Courses Offered in Other Departments:

Music 309. Observation and Participation-Music (1) Music 430. Student Teaching-Music (4) PE 311. Physical Education Methods (2) Psy.301 Educational Psychology (3)

LIBRARY SCIENCE Objective. The objective of this department is to provide instruction in the organization of personal librari es and fil es, to provide the basic training for library work in school and church library situations, and to give a work­ ing knowledge of bibliographic and basic literature in the various disciplines usually included in liberal arts education and in the specialized curricula of Biola College. Skill tests are given in methods courses. Requirements for a Minor in Library Science. Eighteen units are required for a minor in Library Science. Students who comple te the minor receive a Certificate. Education 314 and English 410 may be credited toward this minor, provided they are not credited toward other majors or minors .


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