

304, 400, 301 or 302 and any two of the courses numbered 310-315 for men or PE 320-324 for women. Courses are open to both men and women except when otherwise indicated by "men" or "women" following the course titl e. 100 PHYSICAL EDUCATION ORIENTATION. (1) Required of all entering students. Orientation to the physical education program, physical fitness, and personal hygiene. Guidance will be given in the selection of additional activity classes. 101. TRAINING AND CONDITIONING (Me n). (1) Instruction in posture, balance and phys ical cond itioning, with empha­ sis on development of muscular strength and endurance. Required of all new men failing to reach a prescribed minimum of physical fitness during the fall testing program. 102. BALANCE AND POSTURE (Women) . (1) Instruction in basic movement and balance, with emphasis in improv­ ing posture and physical fitness. Required of all new women failing to meet prescribed standards of a fall screening test. 103. ARCHERY AND BADMINTON. (1) Development of skill in archery and badminton; with practice in both field and targe t shooting for arche ry and the e tiquette, rul es, back­ ground, and techniques in playing badminton. 104. GOLF I. (1) Fundamental techniques of golf, including rules, etiquette, back­ ground, and knowl edge of playing. Fee $5.00. 105. BASKETBALL. (1) Development and kn owledge of skills, team play, strategy and rules. Basic officiating principles included. 106. BODY BUILDING (Men). (l) Principles and practice of weight lifting in the improveme nt of phys­ ical development. A study of the muscles used in lifting. 107. FIELD HOCKEY. (1) Fundamental techniques of individual and position play, team strategy, and rules of field hockey. 108. FLAG FOOTBALL. (1) Fundamental techniques of individual and position play, team strategy, and rules of flag football. 109. LIFESAYING AND WATER POLO (Men), SYNCHRONIZED SWIMMING (Women). (l) Deve lopment of proficiency in li fesaving and art ific ial respiration techniques, and standards of organizing safe rec reational and camp water programs. American National Red Cross Certification upon suc­ cessful completion. Fundamental skills, rul es and strategy of water polo. Basic skills in synchronized swimming including th e setting up of a program. Fee: $4.00.


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