110. SOCCER. (l ) F und,1111 e ntal tec hniqu es of ind iv id ua l and pos iti on play, team strat egy, and ru les of socce r. 111. SOFTBALL (Men). (l ) Fundame ntal tec hniqu es of indi vidual and pos ition play, team strat egy, and rul es of softball. 112. SOFTBALL AND TRACK (Women). (l) Fundamental techniqu es of so ftball and track and field , including s trategy and rul es . SWIMMING (Beginn e rs and Advanced) . (1) Fundamen tals of swimming and wate r safety, including basic strokes, and di ving tec hni ques . F ee $4. 00 114. TENNIS. (1) Deve lopmen t of profic iency of te nnis skill s, rul es, and cou rt e tiqu e tte . Fee $1.00 115. TRACK AND FIELD (Me n). (l) D eve lopment of ski ll in th e standard eve nts of track and fi e ld , in c ludin g distance running. Rul es of each event stressed. 116. TUMBLING AND GYMNASTICS. (l) T echniques of e lementary tumbling and formal group exe r- c ise s. Instruc tion in th e fundamenta ls of the bas ic gymnastic events. 117. VOLLEYBALL. (l) Fundamental techniques of indi vidual and team p lay, with emphasis on strategy and rules. 118. VARSITY ATHLETICS. (1) 113. Rese rved for mal e inte rcoll egia te ath le tic team . Comple ti on of two semesters oth e r P .E. cred it requ ired . Registration durin g the regular registrati on period required. 119. WRESTLING. (l) D eve lopmen t of offens ive and d efe nsive sk ill s in catch-as-catch-can w res tlin g, w ith emphasi s on rul es and offic iating tec hniqu es . 121. WATER SAFETY INSTRUCTION. (1) Instruction lead ing to American at ional Re el Cross cert ification. Prerequisite: Va li d ARC Senior Lifesav ing certificate or equi vale nt. F ee $4.00. 122 . GYMNASTICS II. (l) Advanced techniqu es in tumblin g and apparatus wo rk. 123 . GOLF II. (l) Advance and tec hni ques in golf. Prerequisite: PE 104 Golf I 125. BASKETBALL AND VOLLEYBALL. (1) Deve lopmen t and knowledge of skill s team p lay, strategy and rul es. 126 . GOLF AND TENNIS. (1) Acquaint th e student with th e sk ill s of each sport.
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