


110. SOCCER. (l ) F und,1111 e ntal tec hniqu es of ind iv id ua l and pos iti on play, team strat­ egy, and ru les of socce r. 111. SOFTBALL (Men). (l ) Fundame ntal tec hniqu es of indi vidual and pos ition play, team strat­ egy, and rul es of softball. 112. SOFTBALL AND TRACK (Women). (l) Fundamental techniqu es of so ftball and track and field , including s trategy and rul es . SWIMMING (Beginn e rs and Advanced) . (1) Fundamen tals of swimming and wate r safety, including basic strokes, and di ving tec hni ques . F ee $4. 00 114. TENNIS. (1) Deve lopmen t of profic iency of te nnis skill s, rul es, and cou rt e tiqu e tte . Fee $1.00 115. TRACK AND FIELD (Me n). (l) D eve lopment of ski ll in th e standard eve nts of track and fi e ld , in­ c ludin g distance running. Rul es of each event stressed. 116. TUMBLING AND GYMNASTICS. (l) T echniques of e lementary tumbling and formal group exe r- c ise s. Instruc tion in th e fundamenta ls of the bas ic gymnastic events. 117. VOLLEYBALL. (l) Fundamental techniques of indi vidual and team p lay, with emphasis on strategy and rules. 118. VARSITY ATHLETICS. (1) 113. Rese rved for mal e inte rcoll egia te ath le tic team . Comple ti on of two semesters oth e r P .E. cred it requ ired . Registration durin g the regular registrati on period required. 119. WRESTLING. (l) D eve lopmen t of offens ive and d efe nsive sk ill s in catch-as-catch-can w res tlin g, w ith emphasi s on rul es and offic iating tec hniqu es . 121. WATER SAFETY INSTRUCTION. (1) Instruction lead ing to American at ional Re el Cross cert ification. Prerequisite: Va li d ARC Senior Lifesav ing certificate or equi vale nt. F ee $4.00. 122 . GYMNASTICS II. (l) Advanced techniqu es in tumblin g and apparatus wo rk. 123 . GOLF II. (l) Advance and tec hni ques in golf. Prerequisite: PE 104 Golf I 125. BASKETBALL AND VOLLEYBALL. (1) Deve lopmen t and knowledge of skill s team p lay, strategy and rul es. 126 . GOLF AND TENNIS. (1) Acquaint th e student with th e sk ill s of each sport.


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