

127. INDIVIDUAL SPORTS.(!) Acquaint the student with the skills of Archery, Badminton , Bowling, Handball, Tabl e Te nnis. 128. FOOTBALL AND BASEBALL.(Men) (1 ) Fundamental techniques of individual and team play of eac h sport. 129. FIELD HOCKEY, SOCCER, SPEEDBALL.(Women), (1) Fundamental techniques of individual and position play, team strat­ egy and rules of each sport. 200. PERSONAL AND PUBLIC HYGIENE.(2) Princ ipl es, problems, and practices involved in the course includes a study of th e sci e ntific approach to the solution of p e rsonal he alth probl ems. 201. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ACTIVITIES. (l ) Game s, basic rhythmic ski ll s and physical activit ies d e signed for the e lementary child. A content course in pre paration for th e upper di­ vis ion professional methods course in the teaching of physical edu­ cat ion . 205. HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION. (3) A historical revi ew of physical education and sports. Study of th e obj ec tives of physical education with a vi e w toward th e development of a basic phi losophy and background for professional education. 210. TECHNIQUES OF TEACHING GYMNASTICS. (2) Emphasized principles of mechanics unde rl y ing correct p erformance, logical teaching progressions, safety procedures , compe titi ve rules and procedure s, and investigation of gymnastics lite rature. Each individual must observe and assist in an instructional program. 211. TECH IQUES OF TEACHING BASKETBALL. (2) History, rul e s, e lementary maste ry of individual and team p lay, and me thods of teaching baske tball. 212. TECHNIQUES OF TEACHING TRACK AND FIELD. (2) Rul e s gove rning individual events and th e conduct of meets; and e lemental maste ry of form and a study of me thods of coachin g th e various events. 213. TECHNIQUES OF TEACHING BASEBALL. (2) History, rul e s, nomenclature and care of bas eball fi e ld, e lemen tal maste ry of each position including base running, sliding and bas e coaching, offensive and defensive play, strategy, and me thod s of coach­ ing softball will also be taught. 214. TECHNIQUES OF TEACHING FOOTBALL. (2) An analysis of position and te am play, and me thod s of coac hin g football and soccer. 215. TECHNIQUES OF TEACHING INDIVIDUAL AND DUAL SPORTS. (Wome n)(2) Knowledge and fundamental strokes, rules and scoring, e tiqu e tte, strategy, singl e s and doubles play, tourname nts.


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