

Rul es of governing individual events and the conduct of meets; a nd e leme ntal mastery of form and a study of methods of coaching th e vari­ ous even ts. Prerequisite: PE 115 Track and Field. 313. ANALYSIS OF BASEBALL (2). (Men ) History, rul es, nomenc lature and care of baseball field, e lemental mastery of each position including base running, s liding and base coaching, offens ive and defensive play, strategy, and methods of coac hin g softball will also be taught. Prerequisite: 128 Baseball 314. ANALYSIS OF WRESTLL'JG AND GY\1NASTICS.(2) (\!! e n ) Essential techniques of wrestling and gymnastics; development of a team, cond iti oning and condu ct of practice sess ions, accident pre­ vention procedures and mechanical principles whi c h govern per­ formance emphas ized. Prerequisite: PE 116 Gymnastics and PE 119 Wrestling. 315. ANALYSIS OF TE-"iNIS AND AQUATICS.(2) (,\ Jen) Principles of learning as applied to the spo rts. Coach ing techniqu es are presented. Aquatics includes te,1ching at th e beginnin g, inte rmediate, and advanc ed levels. Prerequisite: PE 121 WSI and PE 127 T en nis 320. ANALYSIS OF TEACHING INDIVIDUAL AND DUAL SPORTS I. (2)(Wome n ) The organization and conduct of ten ni s, badminton and archery; progression drills and practice techniques. Coach in g, selection and care of equipme nt. Prerequisite: PE 136 Tennis , PE 127 Individual Sports. 321. ANALYSIS OF TEACHING INDIVIDUAL AND DUAL SPORTS II. (2) (Women) The organization and cond uct of golf, gymnastics and aq ua tics. Pre­ requisite: PE 116 Gymnastics, PE 121 \VSI , and PE 126 Golf. 322. ANALYSIS OF TEA,\l SPORTS I. (2) (Women) A th eo ry and laboratory cours e designed to acquaint students w ith progress ion , practice techniques, selection and care of equipme nt and the coaching of field hockey, soccer and speedball. Prerequisite: . PE 101 Fi e ld Hockey. 323. ANALYSIS OF TEAM SPORTS 11.(2) (Women) A theory and laboratory course designed to acquaint students with various aspects of basketball, so ftball and valleyball. Prerequisite: PE 125 Baske tball , Volleyball, PE 112 Softball. . 324. ANALYSIS OF RHYTHMICAL ACTIVITIES.(2) (Women ) Instructional mate rials and methods suitable for all areas of rh ythmi cal activiti es; Prerequisite: PE 116 Gymnast ics and PE 201 Elementary School Activities. 400. ADMINISTRATION AND PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICAL EDUCATIO 1 .(3) A practical course with suggestions for impl emen ting th e activity program more completely through proper: organization, tes ts and


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