Professor: Brown Associate Professor: McKissick
Assistant Professors: Heppner, Kindell, Lock, Schumacher, Unfried, Wong Instructors: Doss , Hooker, G., Lassiter, Remsen, Schaper, Schwarz, Whitaker ART Objective. Courses are designed to provide a rich background of art funda mentals, art techniques, and art methods. 101. INTRODUCTION TO THE FINE ARTS. (2) A comparative survey of music, painting, sculpture, and architectu re. A study of periods and styles. 102. BEGINNING OIL PAINTING. (2) Painting in oil problems using still life and landscape. Fee: $8.00 103. DRAWING I. (2) 201. ART FUNDAMENTALS. (2) Fundamentals of design and compos ition in dark and light media, free hand drawing, elementary lettering, experience in rendering the vari ous media and materials in re lation to elementary and secondary school studies in art. Fee : $6 .00 . 202. TECHNIQUES OF ART. (2) Interpretative drawing; perspective; form techniques of various mediums. Fee: $6.00 and composition; basic Original work and design in survey of media and materials used in ele mentary and secondary schools. Crayon, charcoal, watercolor, pastel, finger painting, paper sculpture, paper mache and clay. Fee: $6.00 203. CERAMICS. (2) An analysis of form, function and decoration in ceramics through creati ve exploration of basic methods of clay construction and building, and casting. Fee: $8.00. 301. WATERCOLORI.(2) Interpretative painting using transparent and opaque paints. Fee: $6.00 302. HANDCRAFT. (2) Survey of crafts dealing with copper, mosaics, linoleum block printing, ceramics and leather. Fee $8.00 303. WATER COLOR II. (3) Studies in water color painting such as gouache, pen ink, landscape, seascape and portrait. Fee $6.00 304. OIL PAINTING II. (3) Studio experience in pictorial problems. Fee $8.00 306. ART WORKSHOP FOR TEACHERS. (2) Art experience for all grades. Understanding and c reative use of materials, tools, ideas, and as they apply to elementary and secondary education. Fee: $6.00.
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