


leading to th e Bache lor of Arts degree are also offe red , one of which is design ed for stude nts pre paring for e leme ntary teaching. Entranc e requireme nts for an Appli ed Mu sic Major: Piano. Stude nts mu st prese nt work equi va lent to th e foliowing: C zerny, op. 299; Bach , Two-Part Inve ntion s; e asi e r sonatas of Haydn, Mozart, and Bee thoven; and comparabl e selec tion s from th e romanti c a nd mode rn pe ri­ ods, e.g. Me nde ls sohn , Songs 'vVithout Words; Schumann , Sce ne s fr om C h il d­ hood ; De bu ssy, C hi ldre n ' s Corne r; and Pinto, Scenas Infantis. Voice. The stude nt should b e· abl e to sing on pitc h a standard song in English and read a s impl e so ng a t s ight. An e lementary know ledge of th e piano and of the rudime nts of mu s ic is required. Department Major in Applied Music. 82 units , of whi ch 44 a re uppe r divi­ s ion, 8 are musi c ac ti vity and e ns embl e, and 34 are appli ed , of whic h 32 are on th e princ ipal instrume nt. Department Major in Church Music. 71 units of whi c h 40 are uppe r di vi­ s ion, 8 are musi c ac ti vity and e nsembl e, and 12 are appli ed. The appli ed are to b e take n as follows: 1. Organ: 8 units of organ , 2 of voice, 2 e lecti ves 2. Piano : 8 units of pi ano, 2 of voice, 2 e lecti ves 3 . Voice : 8 units of voice, 2 of piano , 2 organ 4. An orche stral instrume nt : 8 units of th e princ ipal in strume nt, 2 of voi ce, 2 of piano or organ. Non-professional Department Major. Pre-maj or requireme nt: 22 units, including 12 units of th eo ry, 4 of hi sto ry and literature, 2 of c horal conduc ting, and 4 of appli ed. Maj or requireme nt: 24 u pp e r divi sion units, including 6 units of theory, 4 units of hi story and lite rature, 2 units of choral conduc ting, 2 units of instrume ntal conduc tin g, 6 units of app li ed , and 4 units of ac tivity a nd e ns embl e. A profic ie ncy e xamination in piano is required for graduation . Non-professional Department Major (open only to Elementary Educa­ tion students). Pre-maj or requireme nt: 6 units of theory. Major requ ireme nt: 30 uppe r d ivision u nits, includi ng 6 of th eory, 8 of history and lite rature, 2 of choral conduc ting, 3 of mu sic in th e e leme ntary sc hoo l, 7 of app li ed , a nd 4 of ac ti vity and e nsembl e . A p rofic ie ncy examination in p iano is required for graduation.


/ 101. THEORY I. (2)

Fundame ntals of notati on , scal es, inte rvals, primary triads, dominant seventh c hord. Corequi site : 111 102. THEORY II. (2) Secondary triads , non-c hord tones, secondary seve nth chords, alte red chords, modulation. Corequisite: 112


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