

sonatas, other forms and ensemble. Prerequisite: 401 and 402.


Special problems in music theory. Prerequisite: 401 and 402.


303. HYMNOLOGY I. (2) The great Christian hymns and hymn tunes studied in historical con­ types and their uses; analysis and inteqJretation of hymns; evaluation of standard hymnals . 304. HYMNOLOGY II. (2) Continuation of 303. 313. MUSIC IN CHRISTIAN WORSHIP. (3) Historical development of. the use of music in the Jewish, Graeco­ Russian, Eastern Orthodox, Catholic, Lutheran, and Protestant Epis­ copal liturgies; music in non-liturgical forms of worship. 403. CHURCH MUSIC ADMINISTRATION. (2) Developing the music program of the church: relation of the ministry of music to the congregation, music committee, and pastor; graded choir system; equipment; general organization; music of the church school. 404. CANTATA AND ORATORIO LITERATURE. (2) Survey and analysis of major Christian cantatas and oratorios; empha­ sis on conducting and interpretation.


307. CHORAL CONDUCTING I. (1) Fundamental use and development of conducting skills, principles of interpretation, and rehearsal techniques. 19th century choral li teratu re. prerequisites: 101,102,111,112. 308. CHORAL CONDUCTING II. (1) Continuation of 307. 18th century choral literature. 407. CHORAL CONDUCTING III. (1) Continuation of 308. 16th and 17th century choral literature. 408. CHORAL CONDUCTING IV. (1) Continuation of 407. 20th century choral literature. 412. INSTRUMENTAL CONDUCTING. (2) Reading and conducting from full score of orchestral and band compo­ sitions and orchestral accompaniments; study of band and orchestral works suitable for church and high school groups . Prerequisite: 408.


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