

FOREIGN LANGUAGE Objectives. The obj e ctive s of this D e partme nt are to incre as e linguistic aptitude, to provide a basis for futur e graduate work , to meet th e needs of the mission field , and to give an in s ight into cultural and lite rary valu es of other nations . Department Minor: 18 units , of which 12 must b e uppe r division. FRENCH 101, { 02. ELEMENTARY FRENCH. (3, 3) Rasic principl e s of pronunc iation and grammar , vocabulary drill, grade d re ading. From th e b eginning, c las sroom con ve rsation in French .

..,201 , 202. INTERMEDIATE FRENCH. (3 , 3)

Advanced grammar and conve rsation , with stre ss placed upon reading for meaning and speed. GERMAN 101,102. ELEMENTARY GERMAN. (3 ,3) Offered to students who have had no Ge rman. A basic cours e d eve lop­ ing th e skills ne ce ssary for h earin g and re ading compre he nsion and simpl e spoke n and writte n G e rman . In this cours e th e foundation is laid for continued studies in th e language or its lite rature . 201,202. INTERMEDIATE GERMAN. (3 , 3) Prerequisite : "C" or b e tte r in G e rman 102 or two years of high school German. A grammar rev iew with ,tdvance d readings in German lite ra­ ture and scientific writings. C ollate ral readings in th e fi e ld of e ach sh1dent's spe cial inte re st. 301,302. CONVERSATIONAL GERMAN. (2 , 2) Prerequisite: "C" grad e or b e tte r in G e rman 202 or three years of high school German. A cours e in practical con ve rsation and writing with special emphasis on th e idiomatic usage of th e language . 303. GERMAN LIFE AND CULTURE :.£3) Prerequisite : German 202 or three ye ars of high sc hool G e rman. An introduction to the important fe atures and major contributions of th e German pe opl e . Re adings in works of lite rary, cultural and sci e ntific significance. 311,312. GERMAN LITERATURE IN TRANSLATIO . (3 ,3 ) Discussions of the major move me nts in Ge rman lite rature with read­ ings in repre se ntative works and po e try in tran s lation. No knowledge of German require d. GREEK 101,102. ELEMENTARY GREEK GRAMMAR. (4, 4 ) An introduction to th e grammar, syntax, and vocabulary of Classical Greek with practic e in reading simpl e passage s in Attic dial ect. Con­ sideration will also b e gi ven to th e re lation ship b e twe en th e Attic dialect and th e Gre e k of th e Ne w T e stame nt. 201,202. INTERMEDIATE GREEK GRAM~1AR. (3, 3) Review and advance in grammar , s y nta x, and vocabulary with


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