

309. PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION. (2) The study of th e co ncep ts of re li gion from th e standpoint of philosophy. An inves ti gat ion of the leadin g philosophers, philosophies, and con­ cep ts of the phil osop hy of re li gion. 311. COMPARATIVE RELIGIONS. (2) A stud y of the grea t e thni c re li gions of th e world, th e ir philosophies, doctrines, and prac ti ces. 400,401. DIRECTED RESEARCH. (2, 3 or 3, 3) Guided read ing and res earch in phi losophers or ph ilosophical topics. 402 . PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE. (3) An anay ls is of th e nature of sci e ntifi c theory , scient ific knowledge, and scientific experim e ntation. Consideration of th e limits of science as we ll as th e re lation of sc ience to ep istemo logy and metaphysics. 403. CURRENT PROBLEMS IN PHILOSOPHY. (3) Selec ted probl ems in philosophy.


Objective. The courses offered by this departme nt a re desi gned to ac­ quaint the stude nt with the esse nti al th eo ries that gove rn effective discourse and to develop in him a measure of profic ie ncy in th e var ious ski ll s demanded b y th e speec h a rts . D epartmen t Major: 30 units, of which 24 must b e upper divisi on. As part of this 30 unit requireme nt, th e stud en t must compl e te 244, 245, 321, and 405 and selec t 3 units from th e fo ll owing two group s: (1) 212, 261 ; (2) 301, 344. In add iti on h e must select at leas t 6 units from 40 1,403, or 404. Departme nt tvlinor: 18 units , of whi c h 12 must be upp e r division. The student mu st comple te e ith e r 212 o r 261 ; 244 , 301 ; and e ith e r 401, or 403, or 405.

D epartme nt Maj or : 30 units, of which 24 must b e uppe r division. D epartmen t Minor: 18 units, of whi ch 12 mu st be uppe r division.

101. BASIC SPEECH. (3) E ither te rm. Considerat ion of th e bas ic princ ipl es and pract ices of effec ti ve oral communi cati on with emphas is on findin g, eva luating, and organizing mater ial s and on s impli c ity a nd d irec tn ess in sty le and d e li very. Ex­ perience in th e prepara ti on and de li ve ry of su itable speeches. 212. ORAL I NTERPRETATION. (3) Theory and tec hniqu e of ora l reading; practice in th e reading of va ri­ ous types of literature. 224. VOICE A D DICTION. (2) Deve lopment of ton e production, breath con trol , vo ice projection , pro­ nunc iation , and art ic ul at ion. Ex te ns ive us e of individu,tl and class exerc is es.


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