

pita! School of Nursing. During the first and fifth years the sh1de nt will be on the College campus. During th e second, third, and fourth yea rs the sh1dent will be in residence in the School of Nursing.

The result of successful completion of such a program would be :

(1) th e obtaining of a diploma in Nursing from Los Angeles County Gen­ e ral Hospital School of Nursing, (2) th e qualifying for an opportunity to be lice ns ed as a registered nurse in th e State of Cal ifornia, (3) th e obtaining of a Bache lor of Science d egree with a major in Bio­ logical Science an d 1 ursing. The required cours es in Bibl e are so schedu led throughout th e e ntire five-year pe riod that th ey will ass ist in fe llowship and continuing communi­ cation during the demanding yea rs in th e hospital nursing program. Achially, the taking of the se courses during this pe riod wil l enabl e the student to b e e nrolled in Biohi throughout th e e ntire fiv e-year period. The stud ent will also be responsibl e to meet th e Christian standards of Bi o la as we ll as the rul es of th!:\ School of Nurs in g. 101. NURSING PHILOSOPHY. (3) A study of the basic concepts , e thics, and legal princip les, involved in the prac tice of nursing. A survey of th e nursing needs of adults and ch il­ dre n in hospital and community se ttings at home and abroad. Provides a basis for the inte rpre tation of th e fundamental issues of nursing, th e de velopme nt of resources to meet the needs reali stically. 402. NURSING: MISSIONS SEMINAR. (3) An evaluation with critical appraisal of nursing services offe red in hospitals and clinics in fore ign countr ies . Seminar assignments of a d e finite geographical area for a comprehe nsive survey of the nursing needs and se rvi ces, including history and tre nds.


-101 , 102. PHYSICAL SCIENCE. (2,2) A study of th e basic principles of th e physical sc ie nces: physics, chem­ istry, geology , and astronomy, to provide a kn owledge of how th e physical sciences contribute to an und e rstanding of th e physical en­ vironment. PHYSICAL SCIENCE LAB . (1) Required. May be tak e n e ithe r semester. Fee : $5.00 103. CHEMISTRY SURVEY. (4) De signed primaril y for th e non- sc ie nce major and presenting the prin­ c iples , applications, and me thods of chemi stry. May be tak en for credit in physic,il sc ie nce . Lec tures, 3 hours ; laboratory and d emonstration, 3 hours.


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