

Professor: H e nry (chairman) Associate Professors: Iwata, Wiens Assistant Professors: Kim, Nishida Instructor: Hi II

Objective. The objective of th e courses offered in the field of history is twofo ld : to acquaint th e student with th e facts of hi story, and to create for the student a new understanding of the re lationship between the facts of' hi s tory and the outworking of th e purposes of God in the world. The Social Science Division, in addition to a major in history, offers a divisiona l major in soci,11 science. It is recommended that thos e seeking a teaching credential will fulfi ll th e requirements in hi story from th e fo ll owing courses: History 305-306, 307,403 - 404,410,411, and 412. Divisional ;\fajor Requirements: 30 units, of which 24 must b e uppe r di­ v ision , including 18 in history, 6 in political science, and 6 from one other fi e ld.


301. GENERAL CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY. (3) An introduction to mankind 's culture or whole way of living. The empha s is on the nature of culture; cultural growth in history; th e range of cultural phenomena, includin g mate rial culture, social organization, re li gion , language, and othe r re lated top ics. 302. GENERAL PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY. (3) An introduction to human d evelopme nt from earliest times. The study of th e or igin and antiquity of man. The criteria of race and racial classi­ fi ca tion ; current racial th eo ri es and race problems. 303. ETHNOLOGY. (3) Survey of principal c ulture types and th e ir distribution; discussion of e thnolo gical problems and a study in th e tec hniqu es of analyzing a culture. 304. PEOPLES OF AFRICA. (3) Study of the native cultures of Africa south of th e Sahara; culh1ral history and diversitv plus problems in cultura l adjustment in mod e rn Africa. ECONOMICS 201. PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS . (3) Investigation of economi c concepts, logics , tools and principles governing th e determinants and determination of the equilibrium level of national income and employme nt. 202. PRINCIPLES OF ECONO;\1 res. (3) Inves tigation of economic concepts, logics, tools and principles gov­ e rning th e de terminants and determination of th e resou rce allocation and income distribution in a mix ed economy.


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