

ternal conditions of the major European countri es. Second Seme ste r: the history of Europe from th e e nd of th e Franco-Prussian War to the outbreak of World War I (1870-1914). Emphasis on th e rise of national­ ism, neo-impe rialism, and the diplomatic background of World War I. 407,408. HISTORY OF THE FAR EAST. (2-2) First Semes te r: the history of China and Japan from the earli es t times to th e beginning of Westernization . Second Semester: th e history of the tran sformation of the Far East in modern times under the impact of Western Civil ization . 409. HISTORY OF THE NEAR EAST. (2) An integrated study of th e fundame ntal soc ial , economic, and political changes in the Near Eas t. Emphasi s on post World War II develop­ ments. 410. HISTORY OF MODERN RUSSIA. (3) A social and political history of modern Russia, with an analysis of Tsardom, the revolutionary movement, and th e e stablishment and developme nt of th e Sovie t regime. 411 . HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR. (3) · A study of the caus es, conduct, and inte rpre tations of the Civil War; with special emphas is on military and political problems. 412. UNITED STATES IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. (3) A study of the polit ical , economic, inte ll ec tual , and cultural aspects of American d emocracy in th e twe nti e th century. Emphas is on th e impact of two world wars upon the American way of I ife. 413. DIPLOMATIC HISTORY OF THE UN ITED STATES. (3) A survey of American diplomatic history from th e standpoint of the concepts of neutrality, isolation , expansi on, manifest des tiny, and the Monroe Doctrine . 414. SEMINAR ON CURRENT ECONOMIC, POLITICAL, AND SOC IAL PROBLEMS. (3) Methods and techniques of research and formal writing. Emphasis on cu rre nt probl ems.


201. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. (2) A study of the origin and development of our gove rnment on th e federal , state, and local level. Thi s course and History 203 satisfies the state requ ireme nt for American Constitution and governme nt. 301,302. HISTORY OF AMERICAN GOVERNMENT. (3, 3) A study of the organ ization and fun cti on of th e legislative, judicial , and exec utive branches of th e national gove rnment, national d efense, finance, conservation of resources, business, labor, agriculture, fo re ign


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