
ATTENDANCE Attendance a t each class session and chapel is r equired of all students. If a student's unexcu sed absen ces from any cla ss become doubl e the number of meetings per week, the student is dropped from that class with a grade of F. Unexcu sed absences from Chapel in excess of t en r esul t in disciplinary action. GRADES A Distinguished work, which is r eserved for outstanding attainment -- ··----·---··-·--- --·-- --- -- --- --·-·----· ··--·- ·· ----- ··· --·-··--------- ---· --·--·- 4 B Good work done in a sustained m anner ----·- --·------·--------------· -- 3 C Average work don e in a sustained manner --·---·-·-------·-·----·--- - 2 D Passing ---· ----·······-····----·-· -··-- ···--- ···--·--··-·-------·---·--·--·-·-- ····--··---·---·- 1 F Failing work. Subj ect must be r epeated in class ·--------------- -0 Fa Failure due to excessive unexcused absences 0 Dr Dropped from class, pa ssing Drf Dropped from class, failing ................. .. 0

W V\!ithrlrew from school, passing Wf Withdrew from school, failing



Incompl ete

A semester grade in any subject is ba sed on the stud ent's grasp of subject matter as evidenced by his daily class work and his examinations. To graduate a student must have at l east as many grade points as units in the total credit value of all courses undertaken by him, and a 1.5 average in the major fi eld. Report c.1rcls showing grades will be issued to students from the Registrar's Office. ACADEMIC LOAD A full-time student may r egi ster for twelve to sixteen hours of classroom work per semester. After th e first semest er a student with a grade point average of B may petition the Registra r to t.1ke eight een units whereas one with an A avera ge may petition to carry twenty. In no case will a student be permitted to carry more than twenty hours. A student on scholastic probation may not carry more than fourteen hours for credit and may be limited to less depending upon his grade point average. SCHOOL HONORS Students completing their course with a grade point average of 3.25 are graduated Cum Laud e. Students with a 3.5 average are graduated Magna Cum Laude. Each year elections to m embership in the Biola Chapter of Delta Epsilon 20

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