

Objective. The obiective of the BihlP Department is to train the student in the reverent and effective use of the nihle for personal life. soul winning, and public ministry. To this end three mPthods of Bihle study nre emploved. The synthetic method of Bible study 1s desi,nwd to enahlP the student to obtain a hroad view of the contents of Scripture, see,ng eAch hook as a whol e And its rPIRtion to the other books. The anRlytirnl method first rons1rlers a hook as a unit in the light of its authorship, purpose, Ami th r me. and th<'n outlines the contPn ts to show the relationship of each part to the whole. The expository method instructs the student in setting forth in detail the fullness of the divine truth. Departmental RequiremPnts for a Ma ior in RiblP-. Th P stucl r nt maioring in this Department must take the following courses: B ible 205, 206, 301, 302, and four units of Bible elective; Doctrine 301, 302, 401, and 402 or 404; Ch r istian Education 101 and 102; Missions 301 and 302; Greek 201, 202, 301, and 302. 101. SURVEY OF THE PENTATEUCH. (4) A synthetic study of the first five hooks of thP Bihle with spPcial Attention given to the Book of Genesis. the wild<> rness tAhernRcl e. the offe nn11:s and worship in Leviticus, and the great proph ,, tic sPction in the latter part of Deuteronomy, as well as the drawing of practical lessons from Numhers. 102. SURVEY OF THE HTSTORICAL, PROPHETIC, AND POETIC BOOKS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. (4) A brief study of the historical hooks hei;:inning with Joshua. emphasizing prac­ tical and spiritual truths. A consideration of the poetical hooks as a nPw literary form. A survey of the prophetic books and a study of the message of each. 103. PERSONAL EVANGELISM. (2) The various methods of personal work. l'hiections most frpq11Pntl y encountered, and instructi ons for suengthening new converts in the faith. Emphasis upon Scrip­ ture memorization. 106. TYPOLOGY. (2) A study of Old Testament typrs. placin11: sprcial emphasis upon the Tahernncle, the offerings. and the feasts, emphasizing the spi r itual lessons whi ch can be applied to personal life. 108. CHAPTER SUMMARY. (2 ) An introcluction to onP pffective mrthod of Bible study with application of the text to various phases of the Christiim life. 201. SURVEY OF THE GOSPELS. (3) A consideration of the unique message of the Gospels noting the distinctive features of each. 202. SURVEY OF THE EPISTLES. (3) A survey of the general and Pauline epistles with the exception of Romans and Hebrews. 203. THE BOOK OF PSALMS. (2) A study of the general outlim,, content, and devotional aspects of the Book of Psalms. 204. THE GOSPEL OF JOHN. (2 ) An eXl)osition of the Gospel and a study of its distinctive contribution to evan­ gelism and Christology. 33

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