
309. AMERICAN LITERATURE. (3) A consideration of the outstanding contributors of American literature from the Colonial period to the Civil War. 310. AMERICAN LITERATURE. (3) Principal writers from the Civil War to the present. Prerequisite: 309 4-01. CREATIVE WRITING. (2) Trial writing in each of the literary forms, including the problem narrative. One long paper of one of the literary forms required. 4-03. SHAKESPEARE. (2) A study of selected Shakespearean plays from the standpoint of the universal A general review designed to prepare the English major for the comprehensive examination and to meet the needs of the student in those areas in which special study may be necessary. 406. WORLD LITERATURE. (2) A survey of some of the world's greatest books, to understand some of the basic ideas which have challenged men from earliest times. 408. MAJOR AMERICAN NOVELISTS. (2) A critical reading and evaluation of the major literary spokesmen for romanti­ cism and realism. 410. CHILDREN'S LITERATURE. (2) human truths portrayed by the characters. 404. PROFESSIONAL SEMINAR. (2) An introduction to children's literature on all grade levels in elementary school with consideration for the historical trends, criteria for selection, and a student's compiled bibliography covering children's reading interests and expressional forms.

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