
Business Education

422 BUSINESS EDUCATION AND THE COMMUNITY (3) Factors that affect the development and operation of the Business Education program in meeting the needs of the community. Offered on sufficient demand. 423 CURRENT PROBLEMS IN BUSINESS EDUCATION (3) Problem of relating course content to the needs of industry, state, and national organ­ izations. Offered on sufficient demand.


301 INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY (3) Basic physical elements of geography, such as climate, landforms, soils, and natural vegetation together with their integrate patterns of world distribution. 302 INTRODUCTION TO CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY (3) Basic cultural elements of geography, such as popula.tion distribution, general land-use patterns, trade, and their correlation with the physical elements. 303 ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY (3) Development of the world's agricultural, mineral, and industrial products, and an analysis of the related economic, political, and physical factors. Offered on sufficient demand. GEOGRAPHY OF LATIN AMERICA (3) Regional survey of the countries of Central and South America; geographic factors, physical and cultural, basic to an understanding of the historical development of Latin America. Alternate years , offered 1970-71. 401



Departm ent Majors: History, 30 units of history beyond the general education requirements, of which 24 must be upper divsion, including 328, 421. Political Science 301 and 302, or equ ivalence, are required as supporting courses. History (Latin America ) , 15 units of Latin American History; nine additional units in hi story, including 328, 421; six comb ined units in either Latin American Geography, Political Science, or Anthropology. Students wishing to do work in Latin American stud ies may qualify for a certificate in Latin American Studies by completing 6 additional units in Spanish Literature. Department Minor: 20 units beyond the general education requirement, of which 12 must be upper division. The student is advised to take at least 12 units from one bloc of courses. HISTORY OF WORLD CIVILIZATION (3, 3) First semester: the ancient Mediterranean world from the earliest records of man to the Protestant Reformation. Second semester; development of civilization from the Reformation to the present. 97 101, 102

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