
Cultural Objectives: The College seeks to provide students with a wholesome cultural program which will inculcate an appreciation for the finer things of life as expressed in the fine arts, literature, history, and the civilizations of peoples and nations both past and present. Social Objectives : The College seeks to provide the students with a well-rounded social program that will develop personality and fit them in a normal and whole­ some manner to take their places in the home, local church, and community. The program is further designed to develop and maintain high moral standards in the lives of the students, for their own benefit and in order that they might serve as wholesome examples and leaders wherever they may live and work. Spiritual Objectives: The College aims to send forth men and women who express through their lives a complete and valid commitment to the claims of Christ; a comprehensive knowl edge of the Word of God, with ability to use it in all walks of life in leading men to Christ and, with wisdom, to teach it to believers that they may grow in grace; and an enduement with power by the infilling of the Holy Spirit, expressing itself in Christian love for all men and a desire for their salvation. The College seeks to provide thorough preparatory train­ ing in those areas of its curriculum in which students may desire to pursue graduate work leading to a profession. It seeks also to provide adequate terminal training in those areas of its curriculum which are designed to prepare students for their life work. Vocational Objectives:

BOOK STORE Biola College maintains a book store where t ext books, paper backs, school sup­ plies, Christian recordings, visual aid materials, and other items may be pur­ chased.

THE LIBRARY The Biola Library is under a unified admini stration and serves Biola College and Talbot Theologica l Seminary. It is hou sed in the Ro e Memorial Library Building, au gmented by a new three-level a ddition compl eted in December , 1969. Thi s new wing will triple the ultima te capacity besides providin g fo ur conference rooms, an additional r eading room for those students engaged in Biblical studies, and ample space for periodical holdings . The periodical subscript ions include 800 titles currently being r eceived. Other holdings include ove r 90,000 volumes of books and bound peri odi cals. Auxili a ry coll ections con ta in pamphlet fil es and curriculum and unit collections for the Edu ca ti on and Chri ,;t ian E du ca ti on Depa rtments. The main public ca t alog and other fil es contain approxima tely 280,000 cards. An SCM copy machine is access ibl e to students. The library has microfilm and mi crocard readers . Vi sual materi als are ava ilabl e for student use from the A-V center. 19

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