


GERALD BRUCE, M.A. __________________________________________________________________Mathematics B.A. , Whittier College; M.A., University of Southern California ROBERT CRAWFORD, Ph.D. ____________________________________________________________Chemistry B.S. , California State Polytechnic College; M.S. , Ph.D., Cornell University ELMA DOSS, B.M. ______________________________________________ __________________ ______________________Music B.M., Chapman College FRANK FOLLANSBEE, B.A. __________________________________________ ____Physical Education B.A., Biola College ALFRED FOX, B.D. ____________________________________________________________________________________Greek Diploma, Multnomah School of the Bible; B.A. , Biola College; B.D. , Talbot Theological Seminary RUSSELL GABLER, B. D. ____________________________________________________________Church Polity B.A., Wheaton College; B.D. , Fuller Theological Seminary GORDON HOOKER, D.S.M.__________________________________ ___________________ ____ ___________ Music - D.S.M., University of California at Los Angeles MARLENE LANGOSCH, M.M. __________________________________________________________________ Music B.M., Fort Wayne Bible College; M.M. , Indiana University GLENN O'NEAL, Ph.D._______________________________ ------------- --------- --------- ____________ Speech Diploma, Moody Bible Institute ; B.A.. Upiversity of California, Santa Barbara; B.D. , Grace Theological Seminary; M.A., Ph .D., University of Southern California JULIE OVERSETH, B.A .____________________________________________________________________________ Music B.A. , Augustana College LEO PHEARMAN, Ph.D. ___ _______________________________________________________________ Education B.A. , Cornell College; M.A., Ph.D. , University of Iowa EVERETT PURCELL, M.S. ____________________ __________ ,__________________________ Mathematics B.S. , University of Nebraska; M.S. , University of Southern California LESTER REMSEN, D.M.A. _________________________________________________ _______________________ Music B.M., Eastman School of Music ; M.M.. D.M.A., Univers ity of Southern California. Formerly solo trumpet, U.S. Marine Band, Buffalo Philhar­ monic Orchestra, and Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra HERBERT RICHARDSON, Th.D. _____________________________________________ _________ _____ Bible B.D., Th.D. , Los Angeles Baptist Theological Seminary MARGARET SCHAPER, M.A. ___ _______________________________________ ____ _____ _____ _____ ____ Music B.A., M.A. , Bob Jones University ; Graduate study, University of South­ ern California DAVID SHARGEL, B.A. _____________________________________________________ Physical Education B.A. , Biola College JACQUELINE ST. PIERRE. B.A. ______________________________________________________ linguistics B.A. , Biola College JOHN TUEL, M.A. ___________________________________________________________________________ p sychology B.A. , M.A. , Pepperdine ; Candidate, Ph.D. , University of Southern California BENJAMIN WEISS____ ____________ :____________________________________________________________________Bible


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