

Associate Professors : Bynum (chairman ), Ebeling Assistant Professors : M. Hooker , Kurtaneck, McNeely Instructors : Christian , Dani els , Gabler, Smith, Richardson

BIBLE Objective . The obj ective of the Bible Department is to train the student in the rever ent and effective use of the Bible for personal life, soul winning, and public ministry. To this end three methods of Bible study are employed. The synthe tic method of Bibl e s tud y is designed to enable the student to obtain a broad view of the co ntents of Scripture, seeing each book as a whole and its relati on to the other books. The analytical method first considers a book as a unit in the li ght of its authorship, purpose, and theme, and then outlines th e contents to show the relationship of each part to the whole. The expository method instructs the student in setting forth in detail the fullness of the divine truth. Premajor Requirements: Greek 201 , 202 Department Maj or: 24 upper di vision units, including 301, 302, 401, 402, and Doctrin e 301 , 401. Required collateral courses are: Missions 301, 302, and Greek 301 , 302. 101. SURVEY OF THE PENTATEUCH. (4 J A synth eti c stud y of th e firs t fi ve books of the Bible with special attention given to the Book of Genesis , the wilderness tabernacle, the offerings and worship in Leviticus, and the great prophetic section in the latt er part of Deuteronomy, as well as the drawing of practical les­ sons fr om Numbers. 102. SURVEY OF THE HISTORICAL. PROPHETIC, AND POETIC BOOKS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. (4) A bri ef s tudy of the hi stori cal books beginning with Joshua , empha­ sizing practi cal and spiritual truth s. A con sid eration of th e poetical books a~ a new lit erar y fo rm. A survey of the propheti c books and a stud y of the message of each . 103. PERSONAL EVANGELISM. ( 2 ) Th e vari ous meth ods of personal work. objections most frequently encount ered. and in structi ons for s tr t> ngth ening new converts in the faith. Emphasis up on Sc ripture memorization. 106. TYPOLOGY. ( 2 ) A stud y of Old Tes tament tYpes, placin g spec ial emphasis upon the Tabe rn ac le. th e off erin gs. and th e feas ts. Pmphasizing the spiritual lessons " ·hich can be appli t· cl to perso nal life. 108. CHAPTER SL"MMARY. ! 21 An introducti on to one e ff ect il'e meth od of Bibl e study with applica­ ti on of th e tex t to rnri ous ph ases o f th e Chri stian life. 201. SURVEY OF THE GOSPELS. (3 1 A consideration of the uniqu e message of th e Gospels noting the di stin cti ve featur es of eac h. 32

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