312. ASIATIC CULTURE. (2) An integrated study of the physical, social, political and economic problems in the light of missionary work. 401-402. MISSIONARY SEMINAR. (3-3) A practical course correlating and integrating the various offerings in the department. Special investigation of present missionary opportuni ties, using the latest films and missionaries from various parts of the world. 404. PHILOSOPHY OF MISSIONS. (3) A study of the impact of Christianity on non-Christian religions; the problem of natural theology, syncretism, and nationalism in the light of present world conditions; plus a discussion of the inadequacy of non-Christian religions . 405-406. COMPARATIVE RELIGIONS. (2-2) (1) A study of the great ethnic religions of the world, their philos ophies, doctrines, and practices. (2) A study of modern religious movements from source materials presenting the actual teaching of the founders and leaders with empha sis upon corresponding teaching of the Bible.
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