DIVISION OF HUMANITIES Associate Professors: Bass, Bynum, Chase {Chairman) , McGahey, Serrano Assistant Professors: Bicker, Bower, Gilman, Shaneback, Sturz, Weaver, Wetzler, Woods Instructors: O'Neal , St. Pierre The Division of Humanities, in addition to majors in English and Speech, offers two divisional majors: Humanities and Language Arts. All students majoring within the division must complete 6 units of inter mediate or advanced foreign language. Division Major in Humanities: 30 units, of which 24 must be upper division, 18 in one field of which 12 must be upper division , and 6 in each of two remaining fields. The fields of study available: Literature, Philosophy, Language, and Historical Foundations. The courses currently acceptable for the latter interdepartmental field: History 303 and 304, Music 205, Speech 403. Division Major in Language Arts: 30 units, of which 24 must be upper division, 18 in one field of which 12 must be upper division, and ' in each of two remaining fields. The fields of study available: English, Linguistics, and Speech. The Division of Humanities in conjunct ion with the Divi~ion of Social Science also offers a major in Hispanic American Studies. The major is designed to provide a better und erstanding of the language, literature , history, and geography of the Hispanic World. The major consists of 30 units, of which 24 must be upper division , 12 units in a major field of concentration, 6 units in each of two minor fields. and 6 units of directed electives. Present fields of concentration: Language, Literature, and History. Prerequisite for the Maj or: Spanish 201-202, 301-302, or equivalent. Suggested courses: Spanish 303-304, 404-405. 406-407. 499; History 305-306, 413; Political Science 305. 307; Linguistics 333. ENGLISH Objectives. The Department of English has five objectives: the under standing of language as a means of communication; the ability to speak and write with clarity of thought and mechanical correctness; an understanding of literature as a record of the development of human thought and the refl ec tion of human history; the appreciation and enjoyment of good literature; and an acquaintance of the literary heritage of the English speaking world. Premajor Requirement: History 205. DEPARTMENT MAJOR: 30 units (including English 202) , of which 24 must be upper division, including a minimum of 6 in English literature, and English 415. Department Minor: 18 units of which 12 must be upper division. 52. REMEDIAL READING. (0) Improving speed, comprehension, and retention in reading skills. Pri marily for freshmen, but open to all students. ENGLISH A. (0) Required of students who fail to pass the English Placement Test. Non credit course, which meets 3 days a week. 58
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