development of children, birth through grade 6; methods , resources, programs and issues in children' s ministries; church-home educational designs. 303 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION OF YOUTH (3) Adolescents in our culture and ways of appropriately ministering to them, with emphasis on expressing a philosophy of ministry with this age group. Development aspects of adolescents and leadership skills, such as communicating, organizing, counseling, and motivating. 306 CHILDREN'S WORK IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (2) Organization, materials, and methods used in the Christian Education of children. (Not open to Christian Education majors.) 314 INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY (2) Systematic design and use of audio-visual/ technology for instruction; development of skills in use of equipment and production of materials. Offered both semesters. 368 DRAMA IN THE CHURCH (3) An overview of available materials as well as techniques of selecting, staging, and directing several types of dramatic presentations for the church and Christian education programs. Alternate years, offered Spring 1980. 401 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION OF ADULTS (3) Examination of needs, curricula, programs, methods , and audio-visuals used by church and other agencies. Includes worship, counseling, recreation and stewardship. Prerequisite: Psychology 302 (may be taken concurrently).
402 HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (4) The historical and philosophical progress of Christian Education, tracing the importance of Christian leadership through church related education movements with special study of present trends. Designed to aid students in forming a biblical philosophy of Christian Education. Prerequisite: 301.
Practical experience in the area of the student's vocational interest, with faculty counseling and supervision. Offered both semesters. Prerequisite: 300, 301 , 302, 303. 407 CHURCH OFFICE MANAGEMENT (2) Office management, fundamentals of bookkeeping and record systems, business and office furniture and machines , duplication processes; Christian Education and public relations .
409 CAMP ADMINISTRATION (2) See Physical Education 409 for description. 410 CAMP COUNSELING (2) See Physical Education 410 for description .
412 MISSIONS EDUCATION IN THE CHURCH (2) Basic administration of a program of missions education; auxiliary organizations of the church's educational program through which missions is taught to all age levels. Alternate years, offered 1979-80.
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