Humanities Major
The Departments of Communication, English, Foreign Languages, and Philosophy offer an interdepartmental Major in Humanities. It consists of an 18 unit concentration in one area and two support areas of 6 upper division units each. The area of concentration is basically a Minor in the desired field but offers more flexibility through advisement of the subject department. Objective: The objective of the Humanities Major is to provide the student a broader perspective in selected liberal arts disciplines than is possible with a single subject matter. Courses taken to satisfy the general education requirement cannot be credited to the Major. HUMANITIES MAJOR: Communication Concentration. An 18 unit concentration in Communication, of which 12 must be upper division, including 386 and 478. Two areas of 6 upper division units each chosen from the support area options listed below. Total for Major, 30 units , of which 24 must be upper division. Advisement through the Communication Department. HUMANITIES MAJOR: English Concentration . An 18 unit concentration in English, of which 12 must be upper division. Two areas of 6 upper division units each chosen from the support area options listed below. Total for Major, 30 units, of which 24 must be upper division. Advisement through the English Department. HUMANITIES MAJOR: Literature Concentration . An 18 unit concentration in Literature, of which 12 must be upper division (Selection of the Literature Concentration must be made from the Literature listing, including 6 units of English 250, English Literature). Two areas of 6 upper division units each chosen from the support area options listed below. Total for Major, 30 units , of which 24 must be upper division. Advisement through the English Department. HUMANITIES MAJOR: Foreign Language Concentration. A concentration is offered in Greek or Spanish and consists of 12 upper division units . Two support areas of 6 upper division units each chosen from the options listed below. Total for Major, normally 30 units, of which 24 must be upper division. Advisement through the Department of Foreign Languages. Note: It is possible for a student qualified with four years of High School Spanish to complete the Humanities Major: Spanish Concentration with 24 upper division units. HUMANITIES MAJOR: Philosophy Concentration: An 18 unit concentration in Philosophy, of which 12 must be upper division , including 301 and two of the following courses: 302, 303, 404. Two support areas of 6 upper division units each chosen from the options listed below. Total for Major, 30 units, of which 24 must be upper division. Advisement through the Philosophy Department. Support Area Options for Humanities Major: Two support areas of 6 upper division units each are necessary for the Major. The following are the area options: Communication, English Language 350, French , German , Greek, Literature, Philosophy, and Spanish.
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