311 , 312 INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING (3, 3) Advanced treatment of cash-flow, funds-flow analyses , preparation of financial statements, income tax allocation, valuation, forecasts, cash reconciliation . Prerequisite: 211. 313 COST ACCOUNTING (3) Cost accounting from managerial , conceptual , and technical viewpoints; product, labor, material and overhead costing; planning and control processes; analytical procedures. Prerequisite: 212. 314 TAX ACCOUNTING (3) Theory and procedures in preparation of federal and California income tax returns for individuals, partnerships, corporations, gifts and estates. Prerequisite: 212. 320 BUSINESS STATISTICS (3) Collection and presentation of business data, central tendency and dispersion measures for business analysis , sampling and inference for hypothesis testing and quality control , business forecasting with simple and multiple regression, index numbers. (See also Mathematical Sciences 201.) Prerequisite 191, or permission. 330 MARKETING (3) Methods , policies, and principles of modem marketing systems; various channels of distribution and future trends. Prerequisite: 320; Economics 201. 341 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS (3) Information systems, their design, implementation, and contribution to management planning, decision making, and control. Prerequisites: 111 , 211 , 212, 221. 361 , 362 BUSINESS LAW (3 , 3) First semester: Function of law in our society, contracts, agency, Uniform Commercial Code; Second Semester: Property, partnerships, security agreements , government and business. Prerequisite for 362 is 361; requires upper division standing. 364 SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (3) Methods, problems, and factors involved in launching and operating small mercantile or service business. Includes field
Organization and role of the personnel department in business; analyzing and solving case problems drawn from
industry. Includes field trips. 437 REAL ESTATE (3)
Laws relating to rights and obligations inherent in ownership of real property; how title to real property is transferred; homesteads, trust and deeds , liens; land descriptions; escrow procedure ; title insurance; the real estate broker. 440 ELEMENTARY INFERENCE IN BUSINESS STATISTICS (3) Application of statistical infemce to business situations; sampling distribution, theory of estimation and tests of hypothesis, linear hypothesis theory, decision theory, regression and correlation , experimental design and non parametric statistics. Prerequisites: 103 and 320 (Math 201) . 450 DIRECTED READING (3) Extensive exploration of the literature in a selected field of business under facu lty guidance. Prerequisites: Upper division standing and consent. 462 INVESTMENTS (3) Principles for the individual investor; tests of a sound investment, information sources; types of stocks and bonds; mechanics of purchase and sale. Prerequisite: Economics 201. 470 RESEARCH (3) Methods of modern research in industry, with projects designed to provide actual research experience. Prerequisites: 212, 320, 330, 362, 370; Economics 201 , 202; Mathematical Sciences 201. Economics 201 , 202 PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS (3 , 3) Principles underlying the U.S. balance of payments, the Gross National Product, inflation , unemployment, ecology problems. Fall semester: Macro-economics; Spring semester: Micro-economics. 201 not a prerequisite for 202. 345 CURRENT ECONOMIC ISSUES (3) Reading and analysis of articles in periodicals and the daily press relating to economic problems. Utilizes principles developed in Economics 201, 202. Offered on sufficient demand. 350 MONEY AND BANKING (3) Nature , functions , and flow of money and credit in the American economy and the world; analysis of commercial banking and our monetary system. Prerequisite: 201. 360 ECONOMIC HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES (3) Key developments chronologically in agriculture, commerce, communications, industry, finance, and transportation: perspective in business administration and problem solving. See also History 360. 430 INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS AND TRADE (3) Principles and theory of international trade; dnalysis of U.S. trade with leading industrial nations; trade and growth in developing countries; national policies affecting trade; economics of foreign exchange; balance of payments and monetary arrangements. Prerequisite: Economics 201.
trips. Prerequisite: 111 or 211. 370 BUSINESS FINANCE (3)
Problems and methods in securing funds for business firms ; nature of securities markets, short and long-term financing. Prerequisite: 212. 411 ADVANCED ACCOUNTING (3) Prnvides more advanced concepts of partnership, special sales procedures, consolidations, fiduciaries and actuarial problems. Prerequisites: 312, 313. 412 AUDITING (3) Standards and control concepts; internal control and procedures; closing the audit. Prerequisite: 312, 313. 415 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION (3) Principles of organization, authority, responsibility, and accountability; problems of location , risks , merchandising control , levels of management, and human relations of the business enterprise. Prerequisites: 212 , Economics 201.
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