404 CALIFORNIA HISTORY (3) Exploration and colonization; the Mexican period; the coming of the Americans; statehood; the social , economic, and political developments as a part of the United States. 405 PROBLEMS IN AMERICAN DIPLOMACY (3) Growth and development of American foreign relations from the Revolution to the present. Analysis of the conduct of foreign relations, its objectives and limitations. 409 STUDIES IN THE DEVELOPING NATIONS: AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST (3) Post World War II independence movements and the emergence of the Afro-Arab bloc in the Third World; contemporary problems of industrialization , urbanization, and cultural conflict. Alternate years, offered 1979-80. 410 STUDIES IN LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY (3) Sections offered in such areas as Contemporary Problems, History of Religion, Political Movements and Reforms, as well as various national histories. 419 HISTORY OF COMMUNISM (3) Background, origin, development, teachings , and techniques of expansion of international Communism; the role of the Soviet Union in the Communist movement. Alternate years, offered 1979-80. 420 HISTORY OF RUSSIA (3) Russia from the origin of the nation to the contemporary Soviet state. Analysis of Czardom, the Revolution, and international relations in the modern world. 423 EUROPE , 1815-1914 (3) Rise of nationalism, liberalism, nee-imperialism, internal conditions and international relations of the major European countries. 424 HISTORY OF EUROPE SINCE 1914 (3) Europe during and after World War I with emphasis on the consequences of that war, crisis of European democracy, rise of Communism, Fascism and Nazism; failure of collective security; World War II and post-war Europe; the Cold War, economic i_ntegration , and the Soviet Union as a major power. 431 HISTORY OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE (3) Post-biblical period to the present; social , political, and cultural history of the Jew in the Middle East, Europe and the Americas; Anti-Semitism, the Holocaust, the State of Israel, and Arab-Israeli tensions in the contemporary world.
to present. Major emphasis on post-World War II developments. Alternate years, offered 1979-80. 450 INTRODUCTION TO FOLKLORE AND MYTHOLOGY (3) Major traditional and recessive elements in Western Civilization and Culture from the time of an Inda-European unity to the present. Cross-cultural influences; relationship of history, myth, and Bible; universality of some mythological manifestations. Major schools of interpretation and tools of research. 462 HISTORY OF THE EXPANSION OF CHRISTIANITY (3) The background, original development, and spread of the Christian religion; emphasis on the modern era, especially contemporary growth dynamics and church structure in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. 470 DIRECTED READING (1-3) Individual reading in historical literature for advanced students. Topics and frequency of reports determined in consultation with sponsoring professor. May be repeated for up to three units of credit. 480 RESEARCH SEMINARS (3) Special studies in history for majors utilizing the techniques of problem-solving, research, and formal writing. Non-majors may undertake special study in specific geographical areas: Latin America, Europe, Asia, United States, Near East, and Africa. May be repeated for credit in different areas. Prerequisite: 327 or consent. 490, 491 HONORS PROGRAM (3, 3) A year-long independent research project for history majors culminating in an honors thesis. First semester: reading and research under supervision . Second semester: drafting and writing final paper. GEOGRAPHY 302 INTRODUCTION TO CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY (3) World cultural regions; isolation of cultural forces and their interaction with the physical environment to produce the varieties of cultural landscape: population distribution, general land-use, settlement pattern, transportation and communication. 310 STUDIES IN GEOGRAPHY (3) Continental areas studies by regions emphasizing physical , cultural , economic, and historical dimensions which give geographic personality to individual regions and nations. One or more sections offered each year in areas such as Latin America, North America, Europe and Asia. May be repeated with different content (section title) .
Alternate years, offered 1979-80. 434 THE ISLAMIC WORLD (3)
Political , social and cultural history of the Arab, Persian, Turkish , and Afro-Asian Islamic peoples from the 7th century
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