
simple mechanical principles involved in movement skills. Prerequisite: Biology 232. Alternate years, offered 1980-81. 302 PHYSIOLOGY OF EXERCISE (3) Immediate and long-range effects of muscular activity on the human organisms. Prerequisite: Biology 232. Alternate years, offered 1980-81. 303 CAMP HEALTH AND SAFETY (1) Legislation affecting resident camps in the areas of health and safety. Areas of nursing, equipment safety, and natural and man-made safety and health hazards.

the registration period necessary. 120 PHYSICAL EDUCATION SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES (Women) (1) Fundamental techniques of individual skills, basic strategy and rules. Field hockey, soccer, softball and track, slimnastics, field sports. May be repeated. 130 PHYSICAL EDUCATION SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES (Men) (1) Fundamental techniques of individual skills, basic strategy and rules. Flag football, soccer, softball, track and field , wrestling, body building. May be repeated. 132 ADAPTED PHYSICAL EDUCATION (1) Individual program of activities to meet the physical development needs of a student. 133 GAMES AND RHYTHMIC ACTIVITIES (1) Games of low to high organization for grades K through 12. Basic rhythmical activities with emphasis on development of basic motor skills. 140 PHYSICAL EDUCATION SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES- AQUATICS (1) Fundamental and advanced techniques of individual skills. Life saving, swimming, water safety instruction. Prerequisite for WSI: Valid ARC senior Life Saving Certificate or equivalent. May be repeated. 150 PHYSICAL EDUCATION SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES (1) Advanced skills, individual and team strategy and rules in gymnastics, golf, tennis , soccer, basketball , volleyball. May be repeated. 200 PHILOSOPHY OF LEISURE AND RECREATION (2) Nature and purpose of leisure and recreation . Foundations in developing a philosophy of leisure and recreation for life and as a vocational area. 201 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ACTIVITIES (1) Games , basic rhythmic skills, and physical activities designed for the elementary child; preparation for the upper division professional methods course in the teaching of physical education. 210 INTRODUCTION TO CAMPING (2) History and objectives of camping; overview of field and relationship to home, church, and school ; basic camping skills and activities presented and demonstrated. Minimal field experience required. 220 CAMP EDUCATION SKILLS (1) Field taught: backpacking, canoeing, cross-country skiing, outdoor survival, rock climbing, skin diving, and scuba diving.


A historical review of physical education and sports; objectives of physical education; development of a basic philosophy and background for professional education. Alternate years, offered 1980-81. 306 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PHYSICAL EDUCATION (2) Elementary school physical education procedures including postural and rhythmic exercises, fundamentals of games , techniques covering the simplest primary skills through the more difficult seasonal sports, such as baseball , basketball , football and volleyball; development of a program of physical education on the elementary school level. Alternate years, offered 1980-81. 308 SPORTS OFFICIATING (Men) (2) Rules , scoring, and mechanics of officiating athletic events; selected activities and practice in actual officiating required. Alternate years, offered 1980-81. 309 SPORTS OFFICIATING (Women) (2) Rules, scoring, and mechanics of officiating athletic events; selected activities and practice in actual officiating required. Alternate years, offered 1980-81. 310 ANALYSIS OF SOCCER (Men) (2) Emphasis on the analysis of individual skills and team play; various techniques of offensive and defensive tactics and strategy. Prerequisite: 110. Alternate years, offered 1979-80. 311 ANALYSIS OF BASKETBALL (Men) (2) History, rules , elementary mastery of individual and team play; and methods of teaching basketball. Prerequisite: 110 or 150. Alternate years, offered 1980-81. 312 ANALYSIS OF TRACK AND FIELD (Men) (2) Rules governing individual events and the conduct of meets; elemental mastery of form; mechanical principles involved; methods of coaching the various events. Prerequisite: 130. Alternate years, offered 1979-80. 313 ANALYSIS OF BASEBALL (Men) (2) History, rules, nomenclature, care of field; elemental mastery of each position, including base running, sliding and base coaching; offensive and defensive play; strategy and methods of coaching softball. Alternate years, offered 1980-81. 314 ANALYSIS OF WRESTLING (Men) (2) Essential techniques of wrestling; development of a team; conditioning and conduct of practice sessions; mechanical principles which govern performance. Prerequisite: 130. Alternate years , offered. 1979-80. 316 ANALYSIS OF TEACHING INDIVIDUAL AND TEAM SPORTS (2) A theory and laboratory course designed to acquaint students with teaching progression, practice techniques, selection and care of equipment for selected sport activities. Prerequisite :

Fee $20/ 25; scuba and skiing $30.00. 230 CAMP EDUCATION SKILLS (1)

Field taught: one or more areas of study offered each semester. Theory of skill; purchase and maintenance of equipment; biblical truths illustrated by the activity. 240 CAMP EDUCATION SKILLS (1) Field taught: teaching techniques and practical experience in leading people in the skill area. 300 FIRST AID AND CPR (1) Basic Life Support. Red Cross Multimedia First Aid and CPR instruction. Certification given upon completion. 301 KINESIOLOGY (3) Human movement with emphasis on the structure and function of the skeletal , muscular, and nervous systems, with


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