
310 RESEARCH IN LEARNING (4) Empirical findings and theoretical developments in the area of learning and their application to human behavior. Three hours lecture, three hours laboratory. Prerequisites: 200, 210. Laboratory fee $5.00. 311 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION-PROGRAM II (3) Application of principles of growth and development to skills; techniques of teaching pre-school children art and science.

sociology, history, religion, and science. Prerequisite: 12 units of psychology. 405 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) Attitude formation and change, attitude measurement, prejudice, conformity, leadership, affiliation drives, and group processes. Social experiments and research. Prerequisites: 200, 210. 410 PERCEPTION (3) Perceptual processes, illusions, and constancies, perceptual learning, and the effects of motivational variables on

(Not for psychology credit.) 312 MOTIVATION (3)

perception. Prerequisite: 200. 411 PERSONALITY (3)

Physiological, psychological , and social basis of motivation . Topics include drives, obesity, sexual motivation, need for

Major theorists including Freud, Allport, Rogers, Cattel and Kelly; major tests of personality, M.M.P.I. , C.P.I. , and Cartel 's 16 P-F. Prerequisites: 200, 306. Laboratory fee $5.00. 414 READING IN PSYCHOLOGY (1-3) Provides the student with opportunity for extensive study in a specific topic of his choosing. Prerequisite: senior standing. Either semester. 418 COUNSELING TECHNIQUES Emphasis on Eagan's interpretive model of counseling. Supportive re-educative and reconstructive therapies considered. Exercises to facilitate personal awareness included. 426 SEMINAR IN GROUP COUNSELING (4) Techniques for forming groups, analyzing processes, leadership, facilitators , measurement of behavior, and methods of stabilizing gains over time. Three hours lecture, two hours laboratory. Prerequisite: 15 units in Psychology and consent. 428 EUROPEAN STUDY (1-3) Travel to places of historic interest such as Freud' s museum in Vienna, Jungian Institute in Zurich, and various clinics in Europe. Offered on sufficient demand . 430 FAMILY INTERACTION AND THE CHILD (3) Analysis of patterns of family dynamics and their influence on development of child. Pathogenic family interactions and healthy family patterns emphasized . Prerequisite: 320. 450 DIRECTED FIELD WORK IN PSYCHOLOGY (1-3) Supervised experience in mental health, educational , correctional, or related facility. Open only to upper division students. Prerequisites: 306, 309, and consent. 480 RESEARCH SEMINAR (1-3) Research under the guidance of Psychology Department which may range from the development of a proposal to completion of a literary, field laboratory, or social research project written according to APA format. Prerequisites: 210 and advanced status.

achievement, and aggression. Prerequisite: 200. 316 ADOLESCENT PSYCHOLOGY (3)

Problems facing youth in transition from childhood to adult society, including physiological changes, identity formation, drug abuse, suicide, spiritual beliefs, and other social pressures. Prerequisite: 200 318 COUNSELING TECHNIQUES (3) Training in interpersonal skills. Practical aspects of supportive and re-educative models of therapy given in theoretical framework. Personal assessment encouraged. 320 EARLY CHILDHOOD GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT (3) Principles and research in the emotional, physical , cognitive, perceptual, social, and spiritual aspects of infants and young children. Prerequisite: 200. 334 RESEARCH AND MEASUREMENT OF THE YOUNG CHILD (3) Analysis of tests and measuring instruments for the diagnosis and evaluation of the young child; analysis of current research. Prerequisites: 301, or Education 330. Laboratory fee $7.00. 350 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION - PROGRAM III (3) The application of the principles of growth and development to skills and techniques of teaching children in the pre-school through activities in art, science, literature, music, dramatic play, and movement education. 400 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATON-PRACTICUM (2) Experience gained by working in the Biola College Child Center (or equivalent). (Not for psychology credit.) 402 CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN PSYCHOLOGY (3) Overview of psychology as a discipline and analysis of historic and current trends in the field. Relationship of psychology to


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